Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Writing Techniques in Poes The Raven Essay -- Poe Raven Essays
Composing Techniques in Poe's The Raven  Edgar Allan Poe utilizes a few composing methods to make a solitary concentrated impact of ceaseless sadness in his great sonnet, The Raven. The most recognizable procedure is the utilization of reiteration. Similarly as rehashed presentation to cold raindrops can chill one deep down, rehashed introduction to expressions of sadness and unhappiness makes a chilling impact. Poe immerses the peruser with urgent purposelessness by dreary utilization of the words nothing more and nevermore. These two expressions, utilized in hold back to end seventeen of the sonnet's eighteen verses, douse the peruser with despairing. Poe additionally utilizes redundancy to start the peruser's interest. He alludes to the sound of rapping or tapping multiple times in the initial six refrains. The unexplained dull sound enables the peruser to relate to the quest for answers that the speaker is encountering. Poe utilizes reiteration to accentuate feeling with the words, 'Surely,' said I, 'definitely that is something at my window cross section' (33). Rehashing definitely includes a feeling of urgency concerning the search.â Poe utilizes a gothic setting to make an air of agony. The time is depicted as a 12 PM horrid (1) in the somber December (7). The extraordinary is alluded to through the words apparition (8), heavenly attendants (11, 81, 95), Plutonian (47), soul (19, 56, 93, 99,107), foreboding (70), inconspicuous censer (79), prophet (85, 91), thing of malice (85, 91), fallen angel (85, 91), and evil spirit (105). The hour of night and the unfriendly climate outside permit no way out from the speaker's chamber which turns into an office of horror.â Difference strengthens the feeling of unhappiness. The blustery, depressing, December night is differentiated to a room brimming with books, ric... ...anguage and an essential solitary impact. Poe's utilization of the main individual point of view joins with striking subtleties of sight and sound to shape an amazing association between the speaker and the peruser. Poe shows how the hints of words can be utilized to recommend more than their genuine importance. The sonnet shows the effect of setting on a character and uncovers the utilization of complexity as an apparatus to amplify portrayals. The Raven shows how the impact of mood and redundancy can be as entrancing as the swinging of a pendulum and as chilling as a virus downpour. The Raven is a sonnet preferable experienced over deciphered. Poe's words go down like a sedative remedy prompting a captivating, sleep inducing effect.â Works Cited Poe, Edgar Allan. The Raven. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Eds. Nina Baym, et. al. fourth ed. New York, London: W.W. Norton and Company, 1995: 648-51.â
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Motivation letter Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Inspiration letter - Assignment Example targets are to, first become a first mate, and afterward in time, strive to make sure about an advancement that will see me accomplish my fantasy about turning into a chief. I accept that I have assurance and center, which will guarantee that I gain involvement in the desire of not accomplishing the most elevated position in engine yachting, yet in addition contributing towards the business emphatically by guaranteeing that I guarantee my team individuals are protected and have sure about me. Notwithstanding close to home undertakings in accomplishing my fantasy occupation of turning into a chief, I am additionally resolved to maintain the ethical morals that characterizes an engine yacht team given the additional consideration required in cruising travelers starting with one port then onto the next. Seeking after engine yachting calling isn't fulfilling by its own, yet through the reconciliation of different angles, for example, assuming liability, fitting in with the code of morals, regard for other people and giving different choices to address my accidental wrong doings, which will assist me with building my vocation from a good, passionate, and demonstrable skill point of view. Engine yachting has generous difficulties that are related with the conditions in which the ocean vessels work. Strikingly, being at the center of a sea with no spot to pull over in crisis cases is one of the mental difficulties that may confront each engine yacht team among numerous others including characteristic and experience difficulties. Be that as it may, there is no single calling that comes without dangers; henceforth, I am resolved not to be characterized my feelings of dread and difficulties, yet what I can do to guarantee that the difficulties are a piece of everything a person seeks after. Regarding the expression the idiom, â€Å"experience is the best teacher†, I am constantly prepared to encounter new things independent of whether they are difficulties, deterrents or even hardships, which guarantees that I flourish through my profession effectively and gaining from my past experience. It is my desire to invest my energy in enormous water bodies supported by proficient yachting groups
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Italian Food Example
Italian Food Example Italian Food â€" Assignment Example > GnocchiThe main ingredients for the preparation of Gnocchi includes potatoes, semolina, wheat flour, bread crumbs, eggs and cheese (Guarrera Savo, 2016). In Italy, it is considered as an alternative for pasta. The preparation involves boiling the potatoes for at least 45 minutes before peeling it and passing the vegetable mill. Wells can then be made at the center of the potatoes and flour sprinkled over it. Egg and salt can then be placed in the center of the well and stirred. Dough can then be kneaded until gentle balls that are dry to touch are formed. The dough can then be cut into three quarter inch diameter dowels and cheese can be added. The pieces can then be dropped into boiling water and cooked until it floats. Once it has floated, it can be removed and the water drained. Tossing with a half cup of canola oil can be done and stored in a refrigerator for up to 48 hours when it is ready to serve. In Italy, this food originated in Northern region. In the northern region th e specialty is mainly Gnocchi and other forms of food including pasta. PestoThe ingredients for the preparation of pesto include basil, garlic, olive oil, grated hard cheese and pine nuts. It is traditionally prepared in a marble mortar together with a wooden pestle. The garlic and pine nuts are placed in the mortar before being reduced into a cream. Basil leaves which are washed and dried are then ground to form a creamy consistency and coarse salt added. A mix of parmigiano and pecorino is then added. An extra virgin olive oil can then be added which is for incorporating the cheese. Two types of cheese may be used during the preparation process. This includes the cheese that has been made from sheep’s milk or parmesan cheese. Once the preparation is complete, it can be stored in a refrigerator where it can be frozen and consumed later. This type of food originates from Genoa which is the capital city of Liguria in Northern Italy (Counihan Van Esterik, 2012). Gnocchi and pasta are among the food that is commonly consumed in this region. Pesto is also common in other parts of Italy where it is commonly consumed. Polenta al burroIngredients for the preparation of polenta al burro include polenta, butter and salt. Polenta is mainly comprised of finely ground maize meal. The first step in the preparation involves boiling water and adding teaspoonfuls of polenta until the water is boiled. When the water is fully boiled, polenta can be constantly sprinkled and stirred to make sure that there are no lumps. In case of any lumps, the spoon can be used to press it on the side of the pot. After the addition of all the polenta, the heat can be reduced gently to allow it to simmer for about 45 minutes. This should continue until a crust is formed at the bottom of the pot. This will lead to the polenta lifting away which is an indication that it is ready. Butter can then be stirred and melted through the use of moderate heat. The cooked polenta can then be sliced an d the butter sprinkled. In some instances, cheese can also be sprinkled on it. The meal can then be served while it is hot. This type of food originated from Veneto in the Northern part of Italy (Guarrera Savo, 2016). Other meals that are common at the region include cheese, stockfish, sea food and meat dishes.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Characteristics Of Satan In Paradise Lost - 906 Words
Epic tradition has existed long throughout the history of literature, built around the concept of the heroâ€â€the protagonist whose talents and admirable characteristics propel them to conquer an impossible task. In the case of John Milton’s Paradise Lost, Satan exists as the protagonists of Milton’s epic, seeking revenge on God for punishing him to the depths of hell for leading a revolt against heaven. However, although Satan’s actions are villainous and sinful, his tale follows that of the traditional epic hero. Satan fits the characteristics of the epic hero through his illustrious status among his fallen angels and his immense hubris, leading to a plot to corrupt mankind and seek revenge against God. The epic hero, as seen in Satan,†¦show more content†¦By recreating his fallen army in such a fashion, Satan shows great characteristics beyond those of others. Satan’s inherent traits and status allows him to gain notoriety among his fellow damned beings as well as the humility that is characteristic of an epic hero. As satan accepts to solely execute Beà «lzebub’s plot to corrupt mankind, his followers â€Å"express how much they [praise]†(2, 480) his valiant proposal. They bow to him with â€Å"awful reverence†(2, 478), seeing him as a God. This sacrifice of himself to support the greater good of his comrades leads to Satan’s humility. Even if only to keep â€Å"others among the chief [Satan]†(2, 469) from offering, he offers himself nonetheless, without regard to his â€Å"general safety†(2, 481); he sacrifices himself for â€Å"their species deeds of earth†(2, 484). Satan gives up his own security to benefit his followers for the sake of their cause. The task set before Satan that warranted him much praise among his followers as well as the war that lead him to reside in Hell further characterizes Satan as an epic hero. The epic hero must prove himself in battle, and Satan demonstrates this trait after inciting an â€Å"impious war in heaven†(1, 43) and leaving â€Å"not inglourious†(1, 624) even after losing. Satan shows gallancy in war even when suffering a brutal loss. The epic hero must also lead a venture, as Satan does when planning to go beyond â€Å"the gates of Hell†(2, 631). He must venture past the barrier in order toShow MoreRelatedCharacteristics Of Satan In Paradise Lost1029 Words  | 5 PagesMilton’s Paradise Lost is a classic epic poem that describes the fall of Satan and the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise. Throughout the poem, Milton portrays Satan in a way that makes him tragically attractive to humans. Satan appears to be the protagonist of Paradise Lost and has sever al traits in which readers can identify with. Not only is Satan a tragic hero in the literature, but also he is also the main character in the plot and portrays many flawed human qualities. Because Satan is a fallenRead MoreSatan As A Hero And A Villain916 Words  | 4 PagesSatan as a Hero and a Villain (Analysis of Satan in John Milton’s Paradise Lost) John Milton created Paradise Lost out of twelve books of well constructed poetry. A poem depicting and going into detail of the story of Adam and Eve, man’s creation and fall. The poem focuses on the actions of one particular character, Satan. Milton introduces his readers to Satan in Book I as a hero, trying to get revenge against God for throwing him out of Heaven, being banished to Hell. But as Satan carries on withRead MoreIs Satan A Hero Or Villain?1258 Words  | 6 PagesIs Satan a Hero or a Villain? An Analysis of Milton’s Paradise Lost The heroic qualities of Satan in John Milton’s Paradise Lost are overwhelmingly masked by his ‘satanic’ and villainous acts which qualify his character to fall into a category of villain rather than hero. Paradise Lost is an epic poem and like all epic poems, requires an epic hero with a tragic flaw. The tragic flaws of Satan are too prominent and effectual to call him an epic hero, but rather these flaws, or evil characteristicsRead MoreSimilarities and Differences of Paradise Lost and Frankenstein.1282 Words  | 6 PagesBetween the two novels, Paradise Lost and Frankenstein, there are many striking similarities. What makes these two books so wonderful to read is the author s ability to write about the ultimate struggle; the struggle between God and Satan, or Good and Evil. The characters in Paradise Lost and in Frankenstein seem to be very similar to one another. God and Victor Frankenstein have many similarities. One of their similarities is that they are both creators of new life. The monster, Victor s creationRead More John Miltons Epic Poem, Lost Paradise Essays601 Words  | 3 Pagesto record. Paradise Lost is arguably the greatest epic poem ever written, though not the most well-known. It is so great because it is so modern. Other epics, such as The Iliad or The Odyssey written by Homer are poems of the past. They incorporate a religion that is no longer followed, and are something of science fiction today. Milton’s Paradise Lost is based on Christian Theology, and contains, what many believe, a hero that should not be considered a hero at all. Milton places Satan as the epicRead More Epic Characteristics of Paradise Lost Essay770 Words  | 4 PagesEpic Characteristics of Paradise Lost Paradise Lost is one of the finest examples of epic tradition in all of literature. In composing this work, John Milton was, for the most part, following in the manner of epic poets of past centuries. By knowing the background of epic characteristics and conventions, it is easy to trace their presence in Book I of Paradise Lost. One of the biggest questions that a reader must face is that of the hero; exactly who is the epic hero in the poemRead MoreParadise Lost Character Analysis761 Words  | 4 PagesMilton’s Paradise Lost created a controversy among its readers concerning the manner in which Satan’s character is depicted. Typically, in scriptural and mythical texts, Satan is portrayed as an evil and antagonistic figure that always has malicious intents and attempts to sabotage the true hero of the story. Yet in Paradise Lost, Milton’s portrayal of Satan drives the reader to consider the possibility that he may actually be a hero, or at the very least, a character that the reader can understandRead MoreJohn Milton: A View of Evil vs. Ignorance Essay797 Words  | 4 PagesWhen a person hears Satan, a streak of fear, and the thought of evil arises. People fear Satan, and think of him as evil, but in John Milton’s Paradise Lost, he displays a thought of the Father being the evil being, and Satan a tragic hero. In Paradise Lost, Book 1 and 2, the minor areas where God is shown, He is displayed as hypocritical. He contradicts himself by creating the humans to be of free will, but when Satan displays free will, he is shunned. Satan could be described in many terms, andRead MoreEssay on Macbeth vs. Satan695 Words  | 3 PagesMacbeth vs. Satan How can two authors write stories almost half a century apart where the characters have comparable qualities? William Shakespeare and John Milton wrote a play and a poem, respectively, where two characters share qualities. These characters are Macbeth from Macbeth and Satan from Paradise Lost. Despite the similarities between the characters of Macbeth in Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Satan in Milton’s Paradise Lost, which include their strong will, pride, and insatiable greed, theyRead MoreDistinguishing Between Bad and Evil1000 Words  | 4 PagesDistinguishing Between Bad and Evil John Milton’s works Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained and A Masque Presented at Ludlow Castle all have antagonists that are Milton’s representations of evil. However, when closely examining Satan in Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained it is easily recognizable that Satan’s character has taken a remarkable shift in that he no longer questions his immoral actions just like Comus never questions his actions in A Masque Presented at Ludlow Castle. This close examination
Friday, May 8, 2020
Essay on Cyber Bullying Annotated Bibliography - 1013 Words
Annotated Bibliography Protecting Youths From Online Harassment. Harvard Mental Health Letter 1 Sept. 2011. Academic OneFile. Web. 10 Nov. 2011. In this article the author discusses about the harmful actives that the internet dose to the youth. With two main points; cyber bullying and sexting, the author briefly discusses what they are and what threat that occurs from them. The article is useful to me because it shows the harmfulness on what could happen on the internet. However, this article is very vague and lakes a certain amount of information to achieve its point. Cyber Bullying Crackdown: Recent Tragedies And A New Survey Shine A Spotlight On Online Bullying. Current Events, a Weekly Reader publication 17 Oct. 2011: 4+.†¦show more content†¦Scales, Pat. Preventing Cyber Bullying: Whos Responsibility For Teaching Kids How To Behave Online? School Library Journal Jan. 2011: 19. Academic OneFile. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. In this article the author argues that some parents are not fit to teach their children about cyber bullying. The author writes about an incident where there was a complaint on what books should be handed out to the youth. Even though the author says the parents should be responsible for teaching their children about cyber bullying, the author also gives ways to advise teachers to speak out to their students. This information would be helpful to my essay because it shows the lack of interest some parents take in informing their children about this issue. Kowalski, Robin M. Cyber Bullying: Recognizing and Treating Victim and Aggressor. Psychiatric Times Oct. 2008: 45. Academic OneFile. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. In this newspaper article, the author helps the reader understand and how to treat cyber bullying. The author explains what bullying is and how it is modernized to become cyber bullying. The article informs the reader of main point, in a brief but effective description about recognizing and treating cyber bullying. The author show great statistical research on her topic but not enough the emotional appeal. It provides good use to my research because of the extensive use on how it should be treated. Bogacz, Renee, and Miguel Gomez Gordillo. Should Schools Be HeldShow MoreRelatedEssay Outlne on Cyber Bulying on Social Networks855 Words  | 4 PagesRunning Head: ESSAY OUTLINE ON CYBER BULLYING ON SOCIAL NETWORKS Cyber Bullying through Social Networks ENGL107-1103B-23 2011 I. Thesis Statement: Social Networks are giving bullies an opportunity to attack individuals online by invading their privacy and creating psychological effects from attacks. These problems need to be addressed by controlling and preventing cyber bullying. II. Social Networks create an open access towards exposing individuals’ personal information Social networksRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography On How Uniform Policy Swept U.s.919 Words  | 4 PagesAnnotated Bibliography Chandler, M. A. (2015, Oct 01). No uniform policy on what to wear. Washington Post Retrieved from http://sks.sirs.com.nauproxy01.national.edu In the Washington Post newspaper article stated the claim of how uniform policy swept U.S. in the school year of 2011-2012 to improve academics for the lacking students. Chandler says that according to federal data 20 percent of school districts made it necessary for students to wear uniforms. The uniform take-over caught the attentionRead MoreTechnology And The Growth Of The Cognitive Abilities Of Children1688 Words  | 7 Pagesissues associated with the use of technology among children today than ever before. Final Comment: Parents are advised to monitor and regulate the use of technology in their homes in an attempt to tame the impacts of technology on children. Annotated Bibliography Australian Curriculum. (2015). Applying social and ethical protocols and practices when using ICT. Retrieved from http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/generalcapabilities/informationandcommunication-technology-capability/organising-elemRead MoreThe Effects Of Bullying On Children s Lives Essay2452 Words  | 10 PagesEffects on Children s Lives Due to Bullying All around the world, every day, a child becomes a victim of bullying, and although it happens a lot in many schools not much attention is paid to it. Bullying occurs mostly in school and can start from elementary school all the way up to high school years. Although it is mostly common on school grounds there have been issues of it happening outside of the school area, such as in their home. There are different types of bullying such as physical which is contactRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography1438 Words  | 6 PagesAssignment: Annotated Bibliography Parampreet Kainth Sheridan College Professor: Chrisoula Benak Date: Friday, March 15th. 2013 Jung, Brain. â€Å"The Negative Effect of Social Media on Society and Individuals | Chron.com. Small Business - Chron.com. Retrieved March 15 2013 lt;http://smallbusiness.chron.com/negative-effect-social-media-society-individuals-27617.htmlgt;. This is an article which talks about how the social networking system, although looks really greatRead MoreInfluences in Our Lives674 Words  | 3 Pageschoices making it easy to be under the influence; â€Å"media makes it challenging for teens to make responsible behavioral choice†(Mokeyane 2). The social media can also push teens to self-mutilation through other kids online harassing others, known as cyber bullying. â€Å"Social networks and media could introduce even more young people to so-called cutting†(Norton 1). People are being so pushed over the edge by social media and the thought of perfection to go so far as to harm themselves, like cutting their
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Ap Euro Winter Homework Free Essays
Irene Kim AP Euro Winter Assignment 1/2 Unit I 1. There are several relationships that can be pointed out between the Middle Ages and modern times. One such example is the overpopulation that Europe faced before the Black Death and the overpopulation that the world is facing at this moment. We will write a custom essay sample on Ap Euro Winter Homework or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although not everywhere, there is poor sanitation and malnutrition in many areas of the world as there were back then. Another example is the economy and how there were a lack of jobs and pay for people as there are today which lead to new social changes. 2. The Black Death opened up new economic opportunities for peasants and formed a new middle class made up of artisans. The farmers that broke away were able to enjoy a new job that they enjoyed such as art and literature. The Hundred Years War began the modernization of state building and it made more room for social mobility. Power also became more centralized. The crisis in the Catholic Church paved the way for scholasticism and more secularizing of art. 3. The Black Death changed the social structure after the many deaths and the surplus of farmers who moved to the cities to become artisans. The Hundred Years War put tension politically between England and France that would affect wars later on. The church moving from Italy to France and refocusing the center of religion changed the demographic structure. Unit II 1. The Renaissance differed from the Late Middle Ages because it focused a lot on art and learning. Humanism, which led to many going away from the church and become secular, spread across Europe with the help of many intellectuals. Also the fact that the Renaissance was a period without as much feudalism because of the Black Death is significant because the individual could focus on himself or herself. . The idea of Humanism affected Renaissance art because it broke away from the traditional Christian settings and characters and relied more on basic people and their emotions. Humanism changed how society viewed itself and made it more individual-centered. Leonardo da Vinci is one artist who painted the Mona Lisa, by developing the technique of sfumato. Another artist is Michelangelo Buonarroti who sculpted David, which glorified the human body by making it into a contrapposto stance and made the facial expressions individualistic and emotional. Albrecht Durer is a Northern Renaissance artist who painted many self-portraits which shows how he values himself as well. 3. Women now had increased access to education but they also lost status and became ornaments to their husbands. There were sexual double standards; women had to stay chaste while men could do whatever they wanted to. Although there were women like Christine de Pisan or Isabella d’Este, their roles were to marry and have children. 4. Machiavelli’s ideas, found in The Prince, outline what a prince should do to rule his country. He states that the ends must justify the means and that for rulers, it is better to be feared than to be loved. They have greatly influenced future rulers to be stricter on their people. Unit III 1. The causes of the Protestant Reformation were the corruption of the church, revivals of ancient text, and humanism. The corruptions of the church such as the sale of indulgences, simony, pluralism and other deeds caused the people to become wary of the church. Humanism caused many people to criticize the church and question the validity of the bible. Though tensions about the church had been growing over the past few centuries, they escalated during this time, causing the Protestant Reformation. 2. The Reformation changed the world religiously, politically, economically, and socially. It changed it religiously by separating countries and the people by different religions, when before the reformation they were united under one. New religions sprouted out and grew away from Catholicism. It changed it politically because the rulers now had a stand on which religion to practice. It changed it socially because many of the lower classes converted into Protestantism because it was more favorable to them while many of the nobility stayed Catholic. 3. The status of women and children in European society was changed by the Reformation, somewhat. A woman’s main job was to stay at home and take care of the family, but marriage became more compassionate. Emphasis on education and literary rates rose during this time, thanks to intellectuals. As for Protestant women, their opportunities to help in the church, such as becoming a nun, lessened. 4. The extent the Catholic Church succeeded in achieving its goals during the Counter Reformation was pretty good. They basically re-affirmed past beliefs and reformed the institutions so that no corruption could be done and that the clergy would be properly educated. Although the unity of western Christianity was shattered, religious enthusiasm was rekindled within the people. A new religious order called the Jesuits also helped many people get back into Catholicism. 5. The voyages of exploration were motivated the idea of riches, such as gold or silver, but many wanted to find a new route to the silk and spice trades. The Ottoman Empire blocked two very major routes and so Europe had to find new routes to Asia. They changed the world by coming home with knowledge of newfound land and also spread diseases and food from one place to another. 6. Politics and economics were related in the commercial revolution. The Commercial Revolution was a period of European expansion, colonialism, and mercantilism. It was related to politics because many countries fought over trade routes. Whoever controlled one route, would form alliances with other countries making it a strong, defended nation. It is related to economics as well, because with the vast trade markets and monopolies, it helped many countries gain wealth and eventually power. Unit V 1. Divine right is the belief that God placed the king on the throne. Many used this as the basis of power for an absolutist rule. Although its legitimacy can’t be proven, people such as Bossuet helped monarchs achieve that power, such as Louis XIV. 2. The Treaty of Westphalia ended the Catholic Reformation in Germany as a renewal of the Peace of Augsburg except it added Calvinism. It failed to help Europe experience peace in the years following because Germany was now devastated and further divided. Also France began to gain power, which led to many wars such as the French Revolution and etc. 3. Mercantilism is the economic doctrine in which government control of foreign trade is of paramount importance for ensuring the prosperity and the security of the state. It was a cause of frequent European wars and motivated colonial expansion. It started the slave trade. They spread diseases, killed many natives, plundered riches, and introduced ifferent foods and animals. 4. Austria, Prussia, France, Russia, and England emerged as the strongest powers during the age of absolutism because of the fall of the three aging empires, Holy Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, and Polish Kingdom. Absolute rulers, such as Frederick William I of Prussia, ruled as a response to the crises of the 16th and 17th centuries because the people needed order. Their armies and military were very developed and strong as well. 5. The methods that absolute monarchs used to maintain their control were to strengthen their military and change the bureaucracy. They also demanded absolute obedience and discipline from civil servants, because promotions were based on merit. They also educated their people more, even the lower classes. Monarchs also extended their rule over local law and revenues and replaced local nobles with ones faithful to the king. 6. Absolutism is based on sovereignty. An absolute ruler, like a king or queen, governs by decree. They were placed on the throne by god, and the people have no say in those decrees and no right of appeal. Constitutionalism, however, is based on agreed laws, not decree. It relies on a balance of government power and the rights of the people as well. How to cite Ap Euro Winter Homework, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Northern Virginia Juvenile Detention Essays - Criminology
Northern Virginia Juvenile Detention The Northern Virginia Juvenile Detention Home The Northern Virginia Juvenile Detention Home was established to provide safe, secure custody for juveniles being charged with a crime, or are awaiting court action. The majority of children are held pending court disposition or transfer to another jurisdiction or agency. A few children may be held temporarily for as long as three months. Currently the referrals come from the Juvenile Courts of Arlington, Alexandria, and Falls Church. In 1960, Northern Virginia built the home for the sole purpose of housing all of its juvenile delinquents. Over the course of thirty years, the home's size became the cause for concern to the Juvenile courts. Although there had only been one escape in the prior thirty years, The Juvenile Detention Commission of Northern Virginia felt that the home was too small. To deal with the growing cause for concern, a second detention center was built in Fairfax City. This home was to serve most of Fairfax County, splitting the duties with the older, original Northern Virginia Juvenile Detention Home. Formerly the NVJDH housed up to 80 youths in its one and only building. After splitting from Fairfax in 1992, the home increased its size by adding two newer, more modern buildings. Although larger and more modern, the newer home was built just to house up to sixty juveniles. There are quarters for up to fifty boys and ten girls. The judicial process for a juvenile charged with a crime, and awaiting court, begins at the NVJDH. The detention and judicial process is split up into three sections. These three sections most frequently add up to an automatic thirteen months of Detention home and court procedures. For the first three months on the juvenile's detention, it is spent in the NVJDH. This is where the juvenile receive social, emotional, cognitive, and other therapeutic recreation until their court hearing. If found guilty of the charge or charges, the juvenile is then sent to The Diagnostic center in Washington D.C. for a period of one month. This is where they are tested and evaluated to determine their personalities, and other mental testing. After the Diagnostic Center, they are sent to The Learning center in Richmond Virginia to serve their designated sentence. Between the three Juvenile centers, there is a waiting period, called Dead time. This is the time where the juvenile waits to be sent to the n ext facility. Usually this Dead time is server at the NVJDH. While in the Northern Virginia Juvenile Detention Home, the juveniles are put into an environment similar to the outside world. They continue their education inside the facility, although it doesn't count towards regular curriculum needed for school graduation. The juveniles are urged to work for their GED's. An average of ten kids graduate each year from the Home with their GED. The Alexandria school system is where the teachers are provided. Chip Coleman, Director of Recreation and Volunteer services, helps provide a healthier lifestyle for the juveniles in the Home. His plan is to implement what he calls Therapeutic Recreation. This recreation challenges the juvenile social, emotional, cognitive, and physical domains. Social challenges are recreation that helps the juveniles learn to deal with others. For example, once a month the Home has casino night. All the juveniles are places in an environment similar to a casino. They are given play money and are expected to increase their holdings. This is to teach them money management and social control. Art is the approach taken to challenge the emotional side of the juvenile. They are asked to draw something and try to communicate how it makes them feel hen they see what they have produced. Mind puzzles, mazes, and other such recreation that requires deep thought is considered cognitive challenges. The juveniles' physical domain is fed with constant exercise. One on the goals of the home is to make the kids to tired to be bad. For this purpose there is a large modern gym connected to the newer building. Inside the gym there is a full basketball court, a weight center and aerobic equipment. The Home also provides access for the young males to play a local men's basketball team every Sunday night. Along with
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Doing Business in China
Doing Business in China International marketing is the performance of business activities that direct the flow of a company?s goods and services to consumers or uses in more than one nation for profit. The company plans and executes the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals. The uniqueness of foreign marketing comes from the range of unfamiliar problems and the variety of strategies necessary to cope with different levels of uncertainty encountered in foreign markets.In this paper, I will analyze the challenges that a company faces doing business in China. I will focus on the Chinese food industry and opportunities it presents for foreign companies. I will also briefly talk about China?s admittance to the WTO and the results of this entry.In order to be successful, the company must first understand the organization?s mission and the role marketing plays in fulfilling that mission.Cava and waitress p acking up some leftovers while ...It also needs to set marketing objectives, gather, analyze, and interpret information about its situation, including its strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats in the Chinese environment. The next step is to overview the market. The company needs to assess the market potential and growth for its products services in China, as well as segmentation of the market. It also needs to evaluate customers? characteristics, know who the potential buyers of these services are, how they are established in China and how much they are willing to spend. It must develop a marketing strategy by deciding exactly which wants and whose wants the organization will try to satisfy (target market strategy) and by developing appropriate marketing activities (the marketing mix) to satisfy the desires of selected target markets. The marketing mix combines product, distribution, promotion, and pricing strategies in a way that creates exchanges...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
How a Battle of Memories Got Me Thinking on Memorial Day
How a Battle of Memories Got Me Thinking on Memorial Day Memory. I’m writing this on Memorial Day, and I ask you: Do you trust your memory? I have recently had several occasions to consider the question of memory. The first and most personal was a battle of memories. Some of you may remember that I sent a survey out to my readers- with entry into a raffle as a reward for completing it- but forgot to collect contact information along with the survey responses. When I wrote an email apologizing and asking for names and email addresses, I also mentioned that I would like to know who called me an â€Å"adorable genius.†The Battle In an odd twist, not one but two people claimed to have written the â€Å"adorable genius†quote! And they both had clear evidence in their own minds that they had written it. I tried every way I could think of, jogging their memories and getting concrete evidence. Neither recognized, upon my sending them, the answers to the other two questions in the survey. Both have Charter as their Internet Service Provider and live in Madison, so the IP address and location contained in the SurveyMonkey report were of no use. And both expressed a level of hurt that I would doubt them. After various exchanges with both men, I believe that each of them believes he wrote the comment. I will probably never know which one of them it actually was. If you have an idea of how to solve this quandary, please let me know. In the meantime, I’ll accept that memory is not perfect. And I will be honored that at least two people in my life have such a positive sentiment toward me. Perhaps in this particular case, the truth doesn’t really matter in the end. The Importance- and Unreliability- of Memory In other situations, mistaken memory has greater consequences. I have been listening to the Amanda Knox story, Waiting to Be Heard , a memoir of an American college student wrongly convicted of murder in Italy. Following the murder, Amanda was questioned repeatedly by police until she did not trust her own memory. Amanda was not an eyewitness to the crime, but was the first person to discover the crime scene. She was therefore questioned aggressively, and was ultimately, in part because she did not report every detail of what she saw consistently, accused of and sentenced for the murder. According to Wikipedia, it is well-accepted that eyewitness testimony in trials is fairly unreliable and should not be viewed as the absolute truth. A person’s mood can affect how he or she remembers something- and moods can swing quite dramatically at the time of a crime. Furthermore, in something called the â€Å"misinformation effect,†someone’s memory can become compromised because of additional information obtained after the event. The Journal of the Association for Psychological Science published a study showing that simply recalling a memory enhances or distorts it! (See Lifehacker’s Why Your Memory Sucks (and What You Can Do About It) and Double Woods 4 Crazy Things We Misunderstand About Human Memory for engaging explorations of these topics!) The Delusion of Trusting Memory If something as simple as this can make memory unreliable, why do we ever trust our recollection of events? Furthermore, why do we trust ourselves to remember to do the things we say we’re going to do? Last week I had a short homework assignment to do for a non-credit personal growth class I’m taking. The assignment was given on Monday and was due on Wednesday night. I did not put time in my calendar to do it. All day Tuesday I thought about doing the assignment, but I wanted to wait until I had more material to put into it. Guess what? Wednesday night came and went, and I had not done it. I am also notorious for thinking I’ll remember what I need from the grocery store, then forgetting a key item I meant to buy. Yet I persist in almost never writing down my shopping lists (and in doubling back to the store to get what I forgot). Perhaps if the grocery were 50 miles instead of a 5-minute walk from my house, I would change my system. Write it Down! On a group business coaching call last week, one of the participants expressed frustration that an employee did not remember how to do a task after learning how to do it. Sometimes this employee didn’t remember having done the task at all. The obvious solution was to have this employee write down everything he does and document it. This way he can repeat the task later and also have evidence of what he has done and not done. The truth is, our memories are almost completely unreliable. We are overly confident in our ability to remember things, and we make a lot of mistakes due to that overconfidence. Not only that, but we expect other people to remember things accurately! I am still baffled that two people are 100% certain that they wrote that  â€Å"adorable genius†comment. But after the little bit of research I did on memory, it makes sense that at some point their memory was simply altered. Clearly, writing things down is a great antidote and solves many memory issues. If I had collected information the first time around for my secret admirers, I would have known who gave me the â€Å"adorable genius†compliment. If I put things on my calendar I almost always remember to do them. If I put things on a shopping list I buy them. If I write down my brilliant blog ideas I remember to write about them! While I know writing things down is a good idea, I imagine I will continue to do so only sometimes- until something becomes a big enough problem that I need to make a change. Memorial Day On a day like Memorial Day, we are called to remember in a different way. This day is an opportunity to honor the men and women we have lost. Yet most of us go to parties and picnics without thinking too much about the solemn aspects of the holiday. Our memories are so unreliable that we forget to remember at all. On this Memorial Day, whether we remember accurately or not, let’s remember that sometimes the point is, quite simply, just to remember. Category:Life and LeadershipBy Brenda BernsteinMay 25, 2015
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Issac Newton Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Issac Newton - Research Paper Example There are, however, many facets to this man’s life, other than being a scientist, that are worthy to know. Perhaps that is what truly causes mankind to label an individual the â€Å"greatest.†Possessing not only scientific prowess but also religious and philosophical ponderings, Newton is still a focus of conversation in academic and theological circles nearly 300 years after his death. While people will certainly argue that Sir Isaac Newton should not be considered the â€Å"greatest,†the author of this paper will argue that he is certainly worthy of that title based on the magnitude of his scientific discoveries and the depth of his wisdom and thinking. Sir Isaac Newton, from England, made his mark on the areas of physics, mathematics, astronomy, natural philosophy, alchemy, and theology. That is quite an impressive resume to say the least. One interesting item to note when comparing Newton to other â€Å"geniuses†of the modern era is the fact that he really did not demonstrate his phenomenal abilities until after adolescence. In fact, he lived a rather normal and dull academic life through primary and secondary school. It was not until his time at Trinity College, beginning in 1661, that he began to really excel and get noticed. During this time period, academic life was dominated by the teachings of Aristotle, Descartes, Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler. Being somewhat of a loner, Newton spent much of his waking hours devouring the teachings of these great men. This is likely when he developed such a broad academic interest. It is amazing to consider all of the various fields previously mentioned that Newton ended up excelling in. Of course, he did not just excel in them; he ended up altering and changing the face of each of these disciplines, as we know them. It was during his time at Trinity that Newton discovered the binomial theorem in mathematics. He then, during these brief four years of undergraduate work, began to devel op infinitesimal calculus. Even with these major accomplishments, amazingly he still graduated relatively unnoticed and simply returned to his family home. It was there that he spent two years engrossed in theories on calculus, optics, and the law of gravitation. Upon completing them, he was lured back to Cambridge and became a fellow at Trinity. It was in this capacity that in addition to his scientific pursuits, he became intrigued by philosophy and theology. This was likely due to the fact that in England during this time period, fellows were required to become ordained priests in addition to carrying out their academic duties (Morrison 133-135). Even though he was heavily influenced by religion and philosophy during his time as a fellow, his pursuits in the areas of physics and mathematical theory continued to dominate his time. Later in his life, however, he began to write volumes on his philosophy about religion. In fact, during the 1690s he wrote a series of religious writing s that dealt with the literal interpretation of the Bible. Some of his religious writings were published; others were so controversial that they remained unpublished. That is the nature of a genius, however. His thought process revolutionized the way in which the religious world looks at theology. Since the field of theology is slow to change in comparison to the scientific world, however, much of his work was so groundbreaking that many critics of Newton arose and countered his arguments. Finally, it
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Homeland Security HLSS311 Forum 5 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Homeland Security HLSS311 Forum 5 - Assignment Example Sometimes, immigrants are not those good people you expected to be. In the case whereby the immigrants have some unfinished business with the host nation, they might come and cause insecurity in the host nation. They come expecting to kill and perform acts of terrorism. In such cases, illegal immigration should be made a priority in dealing with a countrys security. Sometimes, when the illegal immigrants are running away from their country because of certain contagious and infectious diseases, they will pose the host country at a risk of spreading the diseases. This will not auger well with the welfare of this country (Peter, 2000). The enemy is that person who comes illegally into another country with the intention of doing some arm there. The enemy might come to conduct illegal business, cause insecurity or cause war. We are, therefore, supposed to protect our borders from such illegal immigrants who come in the form of an enemy. Through protecting our borders, we will be able to control spread of diseases, prevent illegal trade, prevent human trafficking and other illegal activities that immigrants might want to perform in the new country. A terrorist is one of the enemies that were protecting our boarders from. Therefore, being an enemy cannot be categorized as being more than terrorism since all cause us harm as a country. Terrorism, therefore, causes destruction just the same way enemies can cause destruction (David, 2008). Border enforcement enhances health concerns. This is to say, when we take good care of our boarders, we can prevent transmission and spread of some transnational diseases, hence making a country remain safe from such kind of diseases. Therefore, it is important to improve border enforcement in order to improve public health and safety concerns (Marc, Jerome, & Kristin,
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Set Of Principles Of Right Conduct Theology Religion Essay
Set Of Principles Of Right Conduct Theology Religion Essay It is important to us human know the set of principles of right conduct. The meaning of ethic commonly used now day. It includes study of universal values such as the essential equality of all men and women, human or natural rights, obedience to the law of land, concern for health and safety and, increasingly, also for the natural environment. The study of the general nature of morals and of the specific moral choices to be made by a person with ethics. It is also about the rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession. Ethics generally defined as the principles of morally acceptable conduct of individuals. Ethics also means an individuals personal belief about right and wrong behaviours. In the essence of ethics, there some implications warrant additional consideration. There are ethics in individual defined. People have ethic in an organizations and what constitutes ethical behavior can vary from one person to another. Ethics also is relative and it is not absolute. This means that although what ethical behavior is in the eye of the beholder, it usually conforms to generally acceptable social form. The factors that form individual ethics are in family influences. Individual start to form their ethical standards since their childhood period in response to their perception of their parents behaviors. Besides that the peer influences also the factors that form individual ethics. When children enter school, they are influenced by peers with whom they interact every day. In this human condition related with each other, bound within them is the life experiences that can be one of the factors that form individual ethics. There is lots of important life events, activities, and communication, both positive and negative that shape peoples lives and influence their ethical beliefs and behaviors. All these events are part of growing up process that leads to maturity of human person. FAMILY INFLUENCES FACTOR In the beginning of person life, family influences are more affect our ethical. Since childhood period, our response to parents behaviors will leads to positive or negative side of our own attitude and individual ethics. Children are more likely to adopt high ethical standard if they see that their family member adhere to high standards such as being truthful and honest. If they receive rewards for conforming and punishment for not conforming to these standards there will affect individual ethics of their own. For example in my experience, family influence is the main factor of individual ethics in the time of my growing up life. Parents tend to shape their child to be successful person in future. Therefore, proper education must have to lead the way. My parents send me to various schools during primary school. Begin with my preschool at Chinese morning bell, study with almost majority different culture and background make my study start with happening and fun stuff. This early factor affects my individual ethics in culture diversity in school. To respect and respond toward surrounding environment in life of different culture. Family influence in positive way will lead us to be responsible and independent person in future. My families teach me various ways to make me more alert of surrounding environment. At home, discipline is important to shape a positive attitude toward older people. Parents strict at reasonable reason to teach me about respect and responsible. My family does play a major role in the way my behavior in society. As we grow, we learn many things from our family that are beneficial to our society. Almost everything that I learn as a child comes from parenthood and how I react with my parents. My parents went through the concepts of life, and they were exposed to society as a kid and an adult, which I learn as I get older as well. Our families, especially my parents, have a lot of wisdom about what goes on life, since they have already experienced many parts to it. They are the ones who can teach us what they have learned, and they can show us how we should act, feel, and think about our modern-day society. PEER INFLUENCE FACTOR While some people believe that family has the largest influence on young adults individual ethics, others feel that friends have more influence on young adults. I believe that friends provide a stronger influence on young adults rather than family because of the amount of time spent with friends, and the fact that peer pressure can be one of the strongest influences that a young adult will face. First, young adults spend a lot of time with their friends. Young children spend the majority of their time with family unless they are in school, which means family exerts the greatest amount of influence. However, as children enter their teenage years, they tend to spend most of their free time outside the house with their friends. Whether fighting against parental influence and control or just trying to make friends, teenagers spend a great deal of time interacting with their peers as they develop their own sense of morals and values. For example, once I entered high school I often spent time away from home studying with friends at their house. After studying we switch to science experiments, which usually involved competitions to see whose homemade rocket would fly the highest. While maybe an uncommon hobby, we found our parents often did not encourage us to explore our interests in science and became more influenced by each other rather than our respective families. Second, peer pressure can be one of the strongest influences that teenagers face. Most new experiences that young adults face are the end result of peer pressure. What one teenager thinks is cool is forced on to others in order to fit in. For example, the first cigarette I tried was due to the pressure of a classmate in high school. Later in university, the first disco party I tried was at the urging of classmate that discovered I had never been to the club to have fun. While parents also encourage their children it is usually for an entirely different reason, not wanting their children to embarrass them. Peer pressure also continues to be a major influence, even into adult life. In short, while family influences children the most, as children grow up and become young adults the strongest influences becomes their friends. Teenagers spend the majority of their time with friends, rather than family, so it is only natural that they are a stronger influence. Peer pressure also forces teenagers to try and fit in with their peers, an influence that is much stronger than family to form individual ethics. LIFE EXPERIENCE FACTOR Lots of important events, both positive and negative, shape peoples lives and influences their ethical beliefs and behavior. These events are a part of growing up and maturing. For example, people who steals something and does not get caught feel without any remorse and continue to steal. However, a person who is caught stealing may feel guilty enough to revise his ethical standards and not steal in the future. Ethical in live experience are not merely bound with each other, a yes or a no choice. Ethical decisions in life experience also are not simple choices between right and wrong. They are much more difficult to make when the person who make the decision is personally involved in the situation. The judgments are complex to balance between the feeling and social performances from the life experience. For example, all was well till I came across this teacher in my junior high. Since when I was young, my anticipation was to become a networking analysis, an engineer to be precise, I always got fascinated with the way engineers carried themselves and the driving force they had in them. Knowing the force to save lives and improve the health conditions of mankind was their major goal, I envied the engineers and I promised myself that before I joined my ancestors and forefathers I had to be one of the most prominent network engineers for a specific well to do firm. Thank to my brothers they had a friend who was a engineers whom I would accompany in a number of times to the his work place and spend a few times with him to see how he conducted his daily activities. I was even ready to defer from my studies if someone would give me an opportunity to work and run from him. But I knew that the road into becoming a renowned engineer was a rough one, it needed determination, patience and hard- work. As indicated earlier, everything was flowing smoothly and all those close to me knew that I had to achieve my goal in one way or the other. In my junior high secondary school, I attended a technical course symposium that was held in our state and all the students were requested to attend because it would shed some light on them. We had a number of professionals from almost all fields and walks of life and they took most of their time explaining what their careers involved and the number of challenges they are faced with daily. One of the professionals in the symposium was the IT Engineers. The first thing that came into me after my experience with him was to be like him. I was entrenched by the life history of this Engineer and the difficulties he had to undergo before he could finally succeed. Without the trust his family and friends had in him, he could not have reached where he was. Joining the high school that I joined was the greatest mistake I ever did in my life which I believe will haunt me to my grave. My junior high secondary school despite it being a well performing school, we lacked counseling sessions, and w e had no one to run to when we needed guidance, especially guidance that is related to career choice. Similarly, the environment we were presented with was not favorable, emphasis was put on science subjects while the art based subjects were disregarded, they were considered feminine. This is an experience that made me doubt the curriculum we were using if the administration considered other subjects to be more powerful than others. These whole life experiences make me more respond to surrounding environment. No doubt it affects my individual ethics through making decision on my own. To achieve goal we must gain lots of knowledge and information without giving up in life so easily. RULE OF LAW The law is a consistent set of universal rules established to govern societal behavior. These rules are widely published, generally accepted and usually enforced. The law as a possible basis for making managerial decisions when one is confronted with an individual ethics. The law also can be used as guide to moral choices. This is because when faced with a conflict between an organization such as school and working place. We should let the law decide, particularly in democratic society, where the argument can easily be made that the rules within the law represent the collective judgments made by member of the society. The rule of law specified a set of requirement which lawmaker must respect if they are to govern legally. Nevertheless, the rules of law restrict the illegal or extra legal use of power. When a society rules by law, there are clear rules articulating the behavior appropriate for citizens and officials. Such rules ideally determine the particular contours political relationship will take. When the requirements of the rule of law are respected, the political relationship between the legal system constitutively express the moral values of reciprocity and respect for autonomy. We should follow these collective judgments, instead of trying to establish our own moral opinions. For example, during my primary school time, I abide by the rule and moral value for not doing something against the law. Every student must know the basis of the rule of law during school period. These will make us more discipline and more responsible to others student in our school. Not to fight with each other, finish homework early and do not litter rubbish in school area. Teachers at school will guide us to follow a good moral choice that related to the rule of law. Rule of law truly serve to combine the personal moral standards of the majority of the population into universal legal requirements. The view that the law does represent collective moral judgment is certainly appealing. My secondary school period was crucial time for me. The time to choose what I am really gets into study. My family influences me a lot in making decision. They want me to be independent and responsible person for my better future living. Father always remind me, to be successful person, we must never give up. Hardworking is the key to success. When the time to study, be focus in what teachers share and teach so that we can learn and understand better. For me, hardworking is the hardest process to learn. Friends and peers influence really make my school life full of joy and fun. Study and knowledge at school left behind while enjoy is the most important part in my secondary school at that time. SUMMARISE Ethics is an individuals personal belief about right and wrong behaviors. Ethics refers to individual personal beliefs about right and wrong behavior. Individual ethics is shaped by a combination of factors such as influences of family these related to principles of morally acceptable conduct of individual ethic. Moral reasoning provides reasons and grounds for determining whether an action is morally right or wrong. Some theorists argue that there is one universal moral standard for everyone (moral absolutism), while others argue that no such standard exists (moral relativism). Some moralists hold that certain actions are wrong in themselves. Others believe that no action can be judged immoral in itself since circumstances and social conditions play the decisive role in determining whether or not a given action is right or wrong. From this ethics there are factors that form individual ethics. Family influence that is starting to form their ethical standards since their childhood period in response to their perception of their parents behaviors. The factor from peer influence that friends provide a stronger influence on young adults rather than family because of the amount of time spent with friends, and the fact that peer pressure can be one of the strongest influences that a young adult through youth life. Meanwhile, the life experience will shape peoples lives and influences their ethical beliefs and behavior. These events are a part of growing up and maturing. Base on my experience the law is a consistent set of universal rules established to govern social behavior. These rules generally accepted and usually enforced the law as a possible basis for making individual and managerial decisions when one is confronted with an individual ethics. The law also can be used as guide to moral choices. Society establi shed rules reflect the collective choices of members of that society regarding any decisions and actions that affect its welfare. Some changes in the norms, moral value of individual members of society are eventually reflected by changes in the rule of law. (2552 words)
Friday, January 17, 2020
Government of Pakistan Essay
The Government of Pakistan is a federal government established by the Constitution of Pakistan as a centralized governing authority of the four provinces of a proclaimed and established parliamentary democratic republic, constitutionally called the State of Pakistan. The order of operations constitutes a Westminster system, and it comprises three branches of government: the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary. The executive branch is headed by the Prime Minister of Pakistan, who is a chief executive (Head of Government) and exercises his or her power on officers subordinate to him or her. The President of Pakistan is merely afigurehead and Head of State who is a civilian commander-in-chief of the Pakistan Armed Forces and holds ceremonial powers to fulfill the constitutional requirements; the President’s appointment and tenure is dependent, constitutionally, on the Prime Minister’s term. The Parliament(Legislature) consists of a lower house (National Assembly) and an upper house (Senate), as well as the President. The judicial branch consists of aSupreme Court (its apex), five provisional high courts, numerous other district courts a specially designated anti-terrorism court, a Sharia court, and the Green Court. The Electoral College, composed of the Senate, the National Assembly, and the four Provincial Assemblies, chooses a President, through indirect elections, for a five-year term. The Prime Minister is a supreme leader of the majority party (or director of the coalition government) in the National Assembly and is assisted by a cabinet of ministers d rawn from both chambers of the Parliament. Recent history The National Assembly elections that were held in October 2002. On 3 November 2007 President Musharraf suspended Pakistan’s constitution by declaring a state of emergency. In the general elections held in February 2008, the party of slain leader Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan Peoples Party Parliamentarians (PPPP) won 123 seats in the National Assembly while the Pakistan Muslim League (N) of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif won 91 seats in the National Assembly. President Musharaf’s ally party Pakistan Muslim League (Q) (PML-Q) came third with 54 seats. After the elections the People’s Party Parliamentarian and the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz announced a coalition to form the new government along with the Awami National Party (ANP). Pakistan’s new parliament elected the country’s first female speaker on 19 March 2008 from the Pakistan Peoples Party: Fahmida Mirza. Allies of President Pervez Musharraf withdrew their candidate for Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Farooq Sattar, and the coalition chose Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani as the Prime Minister of Pakistan, who was sworn in on 25 March 2008 by President Pervez Musharraf.[5] On 7 August 2008, the Pakistan Peoples Party and the Pakistan Muslim League (N) agreed to force Musharraf to step down and thus, begin his impeachment. Asif Ali Zardari, Rehman Malik, Altaf Hussain and Nawaz Sharif announced sending a formal request or joint charge sheet that he steps down, and impeach him through parliamentary process upon refusal. Musharraf accordingly delayed his departure for the Beijing Olympics by a day. Currently, the seat of Prime Minister was occupied by caretaker Mir Hazar Khan Khoso, who was appointed by the Election Commission of Pakistan on 24 March 2013, following the completion of the Pakistan Peoples Party-led government’s term the same year. Assemblies * Senate of Pakistan * National Assembly * Provincial Assembly Senate of Pakistan The Senate is the upper house of the bicameral Parliament of Pakistan. Elections are held every three years for one half of the Senateand each Senator has a term of six years. If the office of the President of Pakistan becomes vacant, or the President is unable to perform his functions, the Chairman of the Senate acts as President until a President is elected. National Assembly The Pakistani National Assembly is the lower house of the bicameral Majlis-e-Shura, which also comprises the President of Pakistan and Senate (upper house). The National Assembly and the Senate both convene at Parliament House in Islamabad. The National Assembly is a democratically elected body consisting of a total of 342 members who are referred to as Members of the National Assembly (MNAs), of which 272 are directly elected members and 70 reserved seats for women and religious minorities. A political party must secure 172 seats to obtain and preserve a majority. Members are elected through the first-past-the-post system under universal adult suffrage, representing electoral districts known as National Assembly constituencies. Provincial Assembly A Member of the Provincial Assembly, or MPA, is a representative elected by the voters of an electoral district to the legislature or legislative assembly of a subnational jurisdiction. In Pakistan, the members are elected by the voters in provinces for a term of five years. Federal government * Federal ministries Provincial governments * Balochistan * Islamabad Capital Territory * Khyber Pakhtunkhwa * Punjab * Sindh * Kashmir * Gilgit–Baltistan Local governments * Districts * Tehsils * Union Councils * Divisions (abolished in August 2000) Kashmir governments * Government of Azad Jammu and Kashmir * Northern Areas Government President and Parliament Under Article 50 of the Constitution, the Majlis-i-Shoora (Parliament) of Pakistan consists of the President and two Houses to be known respectively as the National Assembly and the Senate. The President is elected by members of both Houses of the Parliament and the Provincial Assemblies. The President may be removed from office or impeached through a resolution, passed by not less than two-thirds of the total membership of the Parliament in a joint sitting of the two Houses, convened for the purpose. The Constitution empowers the President to dissolve the National Assembly in his discretion if a situation has arisen in which the Government of the Federation cannot be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and an appeal to the electorate is necessary. The President in case of dissolution of National Assembly shall within fifteen days of the dissolution refer the matter to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court shall decide the reference within thirty days whose decision shall be final. However, the Senate is not subject to dissolution. In case the office of the President becomes vacant for any reason, the Chairman, or if he is unable to perform the functions of the office of the President, the Speaker, acts as President till such time that a President is elected. Same is the case when the President by reason of absence from Pakistan or any other cause is unable to perform his functions. Cabinet The Constitution provides that there shall be a Cabinet headed by the Prime Minister which is collectively responsible to the National Assembly. The Prime Minister is chosen from the National Assembly. The Federal Ministers and Ministers of State are appointed from amongst the members of Parliament. However, the number of Federal Ministers and Ministers of State who are members of Senate, shall not at any time, exceed one fourth of the numbers of Federal Ministers. Parliament and Federal Government The bicameral federal legislature is the Majlis-i-Shoora (Council of Advisers), consisting of the Senate (upper house) and National Assembly (lower house). Members of the National Assembly are elected by universal adult suffrage (over eighteen years of age in Pakistan). Seats are allocated to each of the four provinces, the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, and Islamabad Capital Territory on the basis of population. National Assembly members serve for the parliamentary term, which is five years, unless they die or resign sooner, or unless the National Assembly is dissolved. Although the vast majority of the members are Muslim, about 5 percent of the seats are reserved for minorities, including Christians, Hindus, and Sikhs. Elections for minority seats are held on the basis of joint electorates at the same time as the polls for Muslim seats during the general elections. The prime minister is appointed by the president from among the members of the National Assembly. The prime minister is assisted by the Federal Cabinet, a council of ministers whose members are appointed by the president on the advice of the prime minister. The Federal Cabinet comprises the ministers, ministers of state, and advisers. The Senate is a permanent legislative body with equal representation from each of the four provinces, elected by the members of their respective provincial assemblies. There are representatives from the Federally Administered Tribal Areas and from Islamabad Capital Territory. The chairman of the Senate, under the constitution, is next in line to act as president should the office become vacant and until such time as a new president can be formally elected. Both the Senate and the National Assembly can initiate and pass legislation except for finance bills. Only the National Assembly can approve the federal budget and all finance bills. In the case of other bills, the president may prevent passage unless the legislature in joint sitting overrules the president by a majority of members of both houses present and voting. Other offices and bodies having important roles in the federal structure include the attorney general, the auditor general, the Federal Land Commission, the Federal Public Service Commission, Election Commission of Pakistan, and the Wafaqi Mohtasib (Ombudsman). Provincial Governments Pakistan’s four provinces enjoy considerable autonomy. Each province has a governor, a Council of Ministers headed by a chief minister appointed by the governor, and a provincial assembly. Members of the provincial assemblies are elected by universal adult suffrage. Provincial assemblies also have reserved seats for minorities. Although there is a well-defined division of responsibilities between federal and provincial governments, there are some functions on which both can make laws and establish departments for their execution. Most of the services in areas such as health, education, agriculture, and roads, for example, are provided by the provincial governments. Although the federal government can also legislate in these areas, it only makes national policy and handles international aspects of those services. Elections in Pakistan At the national level, Pakistan elects a bicameral legislature, the Parliament of Pakistan, which consists of a directly elected National Assembly of Pakistan and a Senate, whose members are chosen by elected provincial legislators. The Prime Minister of Pakistan is elected by the National Assembly. The President is elected by the Electoral college, which consists of both houses of Parliament together with the provincial assemblies. In addition to the national parliament and the provincial assemblies, Pakistan also has more than five thousand elected local governments. Elections in Pakistan are conducted under the supervision of Election Commission of Pakistan. The country offers a multi-party system, with numerous parties. Frequently, no single party holds a majority, and therefore parties must form alliances during or after elections, with coalition governments forming out of negotiations between parties. The Parliament of Pakistan consists of the President and two Houses to be known respectively as National Assembly and the Senate. The National Assembly consists of 342 Seats including 60 seats reserved for Women and 10 Seats reserved for Non-Muslims. The Senate consists of 100 Members including 17 Seats reserved for Women and 17 Seats reserved for Technocrats and Ulema. The Members of the National Assembly are elected for a term of 5 years whereas the Members of the Senate are elected for a term of 6 years with staggered elections every 3 years.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Social Sciences Of Modern Societies - 1387 Words
Within the social sciences in contemporary times it is argued that corporatism has shrugged off its previous association with authoritarian and fascists regimes, and is now deployed as a means for analysing the role of organized interest in present day liberal democracies. Outhwaite argues that corporatism has also passed into common political usage as shorthand for the involvement of trade unions, together with organisations which represent the interests of capital in bargaining with governments over economic policies. Debated publicly, corporatism is now seen as the antithesis of neo-liberalism, in which governments seek to use competition rather than negotiation as the dynamic of policy making. Contrastingly, contemporary academic writers deem corporatism as the antithesis of pluralism, Philippe Schmitter (1974), who is argued to have been the leading exponent of corporatist theory in the 1970s portrayed corporatism as a critique of what he saw as the dominant pluralism orthodox y in Political Sociology. The extraordinary range and diversity of interest organisations in modern societies were, according to the pluralist, evidence for the openness of democratic governments to a wide range of influence, and offered a benign view of interest group politics as a supplement to electoral mechanisms for ensuring democratic accountability. On the contrary, corporatist theorist stressed the number of organisations which are politically influential, and the tendency for suchShow MoreRelatedUnderstanding And Appreciation Of Wolf s Ontological Premises930 Words  | 4 Pagesto be cognizant of the relationship between their personal experiences and the wider society. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The American Dream - 842 Words
People from all over the world migrate to the Unites States of America in hopes of living out the â€Å"American Dream.†Most do not realize, however, that the â€Å"American Dream†is perhaps only meant to be lived out by stereotypical, hetersosexual, Caucasian Americans. Charlotte Perkins Gilman, a scholar, writer and a 25 year member of the American Sociologist Society, would argue that the â€Å"American Dream†in and of itself is extremely gendered. In the â€Å"American Dream†women are supposed to want to get married in order to have a home provided for her where she has children, a man to support her, and never has to work. The men on the other hand, want a career, work every day and provide for the wife and children by doing so. Through this†¦show more content†¦These sex-distinctions are determined by organs and functions of reproduction. Secondary distinctions consist of look and action, habit, manner, method, and behavior, which distin guishes men from women (Edles 224). These have created different industries, responsibilities, and virtues based on sex (Edles 224). Gilman acknowledges that sex-distinction in humanity is greater in the female than the male. For example, man defends woman and feeds woman because women are deemed weak and dependent. In the case of the â€Å"American Dream†, the presence of sex-distinction is evident. These distinctions have led to the â€Å"dream†to become gendered based on years of labeling women as dependent and men as independent. Learned oppressions have also gendered the â€Å"American Dream†by enabling men to have more superior roles and women be submissive to their male counterpart. Women’s responsibilities in the dream are not self-sufficient and are moreso based upon pleasing the male counterpart and children. There is no room for obtaining a higher role or merit based on their success and hard work. There is no compensations for the women’s roles of the home, even though Gilman argues she is vital to keeping the man happy and stable. Considering that his â€Å"American Dream†is gendered male-dominant, leaving the women economically dependent, this affects their behaviors. Overtime, any human or animal will learn behaviors based on reinforcement. Women in the â€Å"dream†become less dominantShow MoreRelatedImmigrants And The American Dream1362 Words  | 6 PagesImmigrants and the American Dream In the article â€Å"The American Dream†, by James Truslow Adams in The Sundance Reader book, he stated that the American dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, and too many of us ourselves have grown weary and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of motor cars and highRead MoreThe American Dream By Kimberly Amadeo1637 Words  | 7 PagesNowadays, a large number of people migrate to the United States to work and achieve the American Dream. According to the Article â€Å"What is the American Dream?†by Kimberly Amadeo, â€Å"The American Dream was first publicly defined in 1931 by James Truslow Adams in Epic of America. Adam’s often-repeated quote is, ‘The American Dream is that dream of land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyon e, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.’†There are many peopleRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The American Dream 754 Words  | 4 Pages Nyreel Powell Ms. Jones American Literature 1 June 2015 The American dream in A Raisin in the Sun Have you ever had a dream and it didn’t come how you wanted it to be? Have you ever had accomplishments that you wanted to achieve but people were getting in the way of them? The four main characters in this book all have good dreams but there are people in the way of getting to those dreams or their dream is too high to accomplish. A Raisin in the Sun a play written by Lorraine Hansberry, andRead MoreSister Carrie and the American Dream1618 Words  | 7 PagesThe American Dream is surely based on the concept of â€Å"Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness†but it is above all, a matter of ambition. James Truslow Adams, an American writer and historian, in 1931 states: life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement†, which not only points towards a better standard of living for Americans but also denounces a degree of greed in the US society. Ambition not only â€Å"killed the catâ₠¬ butRead MoreGrapes Of Wrath And The American Dream1644 Words  | 7 PagesThe idea of the American Dream is ever changing depending on the person and the time of life that person is in. Although the main ideas of the American Dream remain the same to be educated, economically sound, healthy, to have a family, and equal rights. Many great films and works of literature were created to show case all the different ideas people have for their American Dream. The film â€Å"Grapes of Wrath†directed by John Ford and the poem â€Å"I Will Fight No More Forever†by Chief Joseph, both depictRead More Destruction of the American Dream Essay2145 Words  | 9 PagesDestruction of the American Dream I’ve talked about it in the past, the destruction of the American Dream. Always, there have been papers, writings, and thoughts that quantify a particular section of its ultimate demise, be it due to money, education, or sexuality. Maybe the destruction cannot be viewed as a singular event or cause. Perhaps instead it must be examined as a whole process, the decay and ultimate elimination of a dream. Self destruction, if you will†¦ Mr. Self Destruct Read MoreSuccess As One Of The American Dream1137 Words  | 5 PagesApril 2015 Success as One of The American Dream When we hear the word â€Å"success†, we often think of wealth and money. To some people, the embodiment of being success is earning a lot of money. In fact, the concept of success is primarily based on how much money a person earns. However, each person views the definition of success differently. One way to define success is something that has more to do with flash than it does with substance. John Wooden, an American basketball player and coach viewRead MoreJim Cullen And The American Dream2081 Words  | 9 Pages The American Dream, as defined by Cullen, is starting your goal off with a little and ending with more; it s like a business, you invest in it in order to gain more money. Usually, people will define the American Dream as being able to achieve your goal because everyone is offered opportunities. Cullen does acknowledge that people are born with different opportunities, so he talks about the good life. The good life describes different factors that determine your opportunities. Throughout the otherRead MoreFactors Influencing The American Dream1834 Words  | 8 Pagesindividual to succumb or to not succumb to the seductions of crime. These three factors are brilliantly portrayed in the television show, Breaking Bad and the novel, The Stick Up Kids. The American Dream is what many American citizens strive for. However, not all of those citizens are able to achieve the American Dream through a legal pathway. The reason an indivudal may not being able to do so is because of his or her background factors. It is important to note that background factors are a fractionRead MoreShark Tank And The American Dream1755 Words  | 8 PagesShark Tank and The American Dream The TV show Shark tank embodies everything the American dream represents. The show obtains successful Entrepreneurs ready to invest their own money into other Americans wanting to be just like them, reaching the American dream and become a successful entrepreneur. The show presents entrepreneurs working towards the goal of creating a business to not only gain wealth but also change the way we live today. The show is to keep the American dream alive and well while
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