Monday, December 23, 2019
Importance Of Business Ethics On Previous And Current...
Importance of business ethics in previous and current literature Previous Methodologies used for Studying Business Ethics Majority of the literature reviewed relied heavily on questionnaires and surveys as the chosen methodology. According to Rowley (2014), questionnaires are the â€Å"most widely used means of collecting data†(p. 308). However, when designing a questionnaire or survey researchers should consider the type of questions being used, sensitivity of questions asked, content and length, method of administering, and sufficient response rate. In this type of research, business ethics research, the researchers are striving to obtain quantitative data or the frequency of ethical attitudes, behaviors, and experiences among the sample population (Rowley, 2014). There are several advantages and disadvantages to questionnaires. The advantages of using a questionnaire for research include standardized data collection, low cost, large sample populations, and easy, quick delivery to participants. The disadvantages of using a question naire for research include bias, respondent ability to understand questions, truthfulness of respondent responses, poor response rate, Discussion Summary of Findings An organization’s structure is comprised of three major components – control or hierarchy in an organization, grouping of organization members, and systems for communication and coordination. The organization’s structure and design is important because it creates the foundationShow MoreRelatedResearch Methodologies966 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction The current infrastructure of Air Force Reserve (AFR) medical unit offers various problems and possible solutions for research and study as we continue into the 21st century. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
The Host Chapter 55 Attached Free Essays
string(50) " were not designed to handle violence and terror\." Jeb cleared a path for me, pushing people aside with his rifle as though they were sheep and the gun a shepherd’s staff. â€Å"That’s enough,†he growled at those who complained. â€Å"You’ll get a chance to dress ‘im down later. We will write a custom essay sample on The Host Chapter 55: Attached or any similar topic only for you Order Now We all will. Let’s get this sorted out first, okay? Let me through.†From the corner of my eye, I saw Sharon and Maggie fall to the back of the crowd, melting away from the reinstatement of reason. Away from my involvement, really, more than anything else. Both with jaws locked, they continued to glare at Kyle. Jared and Ian were the last two Jeb shoved aside. I brushed both of their arms as I passed, hoping to help calm them. â€Å"Okay, Kyle,†Jeb said, smacking the barrel of the gun against his palm. â€Å"Don’t try to excuse yourself, ’cause there ain’t no excuse. I’m plain torn between kickin’ ya out and shootin’ ya now.†The little face, pale under the deep tan of her skin, peeped around Kyle’s elbow again with a swish of long, curly black hair. The girl’s mouth was hanging open in horror, her dark eyes frantic. I thought I could see a faint sheen to those eyes, a hint of silver behind the black. â€Å"But right now, let’s calm everybody down.†Jeb turned around, gun held low across his body, and suddenly it was as if he were guarding Kyle and the little face behind him. He glared at the mob. â€Å"Kyle’s got a guest, and you’re scarin’ the snot out of her, people. I think you can all dig up some better manners than that. Now, all of you clear out and get to work on something useful. My cantaloupes are dying. Somebody do something about that, hear?†He waited until the muttering crowd slowly dispersed. Now that I could see their faces, I could tell that they were already getting over it, most of them, anyway. This wasn’t so bad, not after what they’d been fearing the last few days. Yes, Kyle was a self-absorbed idiot, their faces seemed to say, but at least he was back, no harm done. No evacuation, no danger of the Seekers. No more than usual, anyway. He’d brought another worm back, but then, weren’t the caves full of them these days? It just wasn’t as shocking as it used to be. Many went back toward their interrupted lunch, others returned to the irrigation barrel, others to their rooms. Soon only Jared, Ian, and Jamie were left beside me. Jeb looked at these three with a cross expression; his mouth opened, but before he could order them away again, Ian took my hand, and then Jamie grabbed the other. I felt another hand on my wrist, just above Jamie’s. Jared. Jeb rolled his eyes at the way they’d tethered themselves to me to avoid expulsion, and then turned his back on us. â€Å"Thanks, Jeb,†Kyle said. â€Å"Shut the hell up, Kyle. Just keep your fat mouth shut. I’m dead serious about shooting you, you worthless maggot.†There was a weak whimper from behind Kyle. â€Å"Okay, Jeb. But could you save the death threats till we’re alone? She’s terrified enough. You remember how that kind of stuff freaks Wanda out.†Kyle smiled at me-I felt shock cross my face in reaction-and then he turned to the girl hiding behind him with the gentlest expression I’d ever seen on his face. â€Å"See, Sunny? This is Wanda, the one I told you about. She’ll help us-she won’t let anyone hurt you, just like me.†The girl-or was she a woman? She was tiny, but there was a subtle curviness to her shape that suggested more maturity than her size-stared at me, her eyes huge with fright. Kyle put his arms around her waist, and she let him pull her into his side. She clung there, as if he were an anchor, her pillar of safety. â€Å"Kyle’s right.†Never thought I’d say that. â€Å"I won’t let anyone hurt you. Your name is Sunny?†I asked softly. The woman’s eyes flashed up to Kyle’s face. â€Å"It’s okay. You don’t have to be afraid of Wanda. She’s just like you.†He turned to me. â€Å"Her real name is longer-something about ice.†â€Å"Sunlight Passing Through the Ice,†she whispered to me. I saw Jeb’s eyes brighten with his unquenchable curiosity. â€Å"She doesn’t mind being called just Sunny, though. She said it was fine,†Kyle assured me. Sunny nodded. Her eyes flickered from my face to Kyle’s and back again. The other men were totally silent and totally motionless. The little circle of calm soothed her a bit, I could see. She must have been able to feel the change in the atmosphere. There was no hostility toward her, none at all. â€Å"I was a Bear, too, Sunny,†I told her, trying to make her feel just a little more comfortable. â€Å"They called me Lives in the Stars, then. Wanderer, here.†â€Å"Lives in the Stars,†she whispered, her eyes somehow, impossibly, getting wider. â€Å"Rides the Beast.†I suppressed a groan. â€Å"You lived in the second crystal city, I guess.†â€Å"Yes. I heard the story so many times†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Did you like being a Bear, Sunny?†I asked quickly. I didn’t really want to get into my history right now. â€Å"Were you happy there?†Her face crumpled at my questions; her eyes locked onto Kyle’s face and filled with tears. â€Å"I’m sorry,†I apologized at once, looking to Kyle, too, for an explanation. He patted her arm. â€Å"Don’t be afraid. You won’t be hurt. I promised.†I could barely hear her answering whisper. â€Å"But I like it here. I want to stay.†Her words brought a thick lump to my throat. â€Å"I know, Sunny. I know.†Kyle put his hand on the back of her head and, in a gesture so tender it made my eyes smart, held her face against his chest. Jeb cleared his throat, and Sunny started and cringed. It was easy to imagine the frayed state her nerves must be in. Souls were not designed to handle violence and terror. You read "The Host Chapter 55: Attached" in category "Essay examples" I remembered long ago when Jared had interrogated me; he’d asked if I was like other souls. I was not, nor was the other soul they’d dealt with, my Seeker. Sunny, however, seemed to embody the essence of my gentle, timid species; we were powerful only in great numbers. â€Å"Sorry, Sunny,†Jeb said. â€Å"Didn’t mean to scare you, there. Maybe we ought to get out of here, though.†His eyes swept around the cave, where a few people lingered by the exits, gawking at us. He stared hard at Reid and Lucina, and they ducked down the corridor toward the kitchen. â€Å"Probably ought to git along to Doc,†Jeb continued with a sigh, giving the frightened little woman a wistful glance. I guessed he was sad to be missing out on new stories. â€Å"Right,†Kyle said. He kept his arm firmly around Sunny’s tiny waist and pulled her with him toward the southern tunnel. I followed right behind, towing the others who still adhered to me. Jeb paused, and we all stopped with him. He jabbed the butt of his gun into Jamie’s hip. â€Å"Ain’t you got school, kid?†â€Å"Aw, Uncle Jeb, please? Please? I don’t want to miss -â€Å" â€Å"Get your behind to class.†Jamie turned his hurt eyes on me, but Jeb was absolutely right. This was nothing I wanted Jamie to see. I shook my head at him. â€Å"Could you get Trudy on your way?†I asked. â€Å"Doc needs her.†Jamie’s shoulders slumped, and he pulled his hand out of mine. Jared’s slid down from my wrist to take its place. â€Å"I miss everything,†Jamie moaned as he turned back the other way. â€Å"Thanks, Jeb,†I whispered when Jamie was out of hearing. â€Å"Yep.†The long tunnel seemed blacker than before because I could feel the fear radiating from the woman ahead of me. â€Å"It’s okay,†Kyle murmured to her. â€Å"There’s nothing that’s going to hurt you, and I’m here.†I wondered who this strange man was, the one who had come back in Kyle’s place. Had they checked his eyes? I couldn’t believe he’d carried all this gentleness around inside his big angry body. It must have been having Jodi back, being so close to what he wanted. Even knowing that this was his Jodi’s body, I was surprised that he could expend so much kindness for the soul inside it. I would have thought such compassion was beyond him. â€Å"How’s the Healer?†Jared asked me. â€Å"She woke up, just before I came to find you,†I said. I heard more than one sigh of relief in the darkness. â€Å"She’s disoriented, though, and very frightened,†I warned them all. â€Å"She can’t remember her name. Doc’s working with her. She’s going to be even more scared when she sees all of you. Try to be quiet and move slowly, okay?†â€Å"Yes, yes,†the voices whispered in the darkness. â€Å"And, Jeb, do you think you could lose the gun? She’s a little afraid of humans still.†â€Å"Uh-okay,†Jeb answered. â€Å"Afraid of humans?†Kyle murmured. â€Å"We’re the bad guys,†Ian reminded him, squeezing my hand. I squeezed it back, glad for the warmth of his touch, the pressure of his fingers. How much longer would I have the feeling of a hand warm around mine? When was the last time I would walk down this tunnel? Was it this time? No. Not yet, Mel whispered. I was suddenly trembling. Ian’s hand tightened again, and so did Jared’s. We walked in silence for a few moments. â€Å"Kyle?†Sunny’s timid voice asked. â€Å"Yes?†â€Å"I don’t want to go back to the Bears.†â€Å"You don’t have to. You can go somewhere else.†â€Å"But I can’t stay here?†â€Å"No. I’m sorry, Sunny.†There was a little hitch in her breathing. I was glad it was dark. No one could see the tears that started rolling down my face. I had no free hand to wipe them away, so I let them fall onto my shirt. We finally reached the end of the tunnel. The sunlight streamed from the mouth of the hospital, reflecting off the dust motes dancing in the air. I could hear Doc murmuring inside. â€Å"That’s very good,†he was saying. â€Å"Keep thinking of details. You know your old address-your name can’t be far behind, eh? How does this feel? Not tender?†â€Å"Careful,†I whispered. Kyle paused at the edge of the arch, Sunny still clinging to his side, and motioned for me to go first. I took a deep breath and walked slowly into Doc’s place. I announced my presence in a low, even voice. â€Å"Hello.†The Healer’s host started and gasped out a little shriek. â€Å"Just me again,†I said reassuringly. â€Å"It’s Wanda,†Doc reminded her. The woman was sitting up now, and Doc was sitting beside her with his hand on her arm. â€Å"That’s the soul,†the woman whispered anxiously to Doc. â€Å"Yes, but she’s a friend.†The woman eyed me doubtfully. â€Å"Doc? You’ve got a few more visitors. Is that okay?†Doc looked at the woman. â€Å"These are all friends, all right? More of the humans who live here with me. None of them would ever dream of hurting you. Can they come in?†The woman hesitated, then nodded cautiously. â€Å"Okay,†she whispered. â€Å"This is Ian,†I said, motioning him forward. â€Å"And Jared, and Jeb.†One by one, they walked into the room and stood beside me. â€Å"And this is Kyle and†¦ uh, Sunny.†Doc’s eyes bugged wide as Kyle, Sunny attached to his side, entered the room. â€Å"Are there any more?†the woman whispered. Doc cleared his throat, trying to compose himself. â€Å"Yes. There are a lot of people who live here. All†¦ well, mostly humans,†he added, staring at Sunny. â€Å"Trudy is on her way,†I told Doc. â€Å"Maybe Trudy could†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I glanced at Sunny and Kyle. â€Å"†¦ find a room for†¦ her to rest in?†Doc nodded, still wide-eyed. â€Å"That might be a good idea.†â€Å"Who’s Trudy?†the woman whispered. â€Å"She’s very nice. She’ll take care of you.†â€Å"Is she human, or is she like that one?†She nodded toward me. â€Å"She’s human.†This seemed to ease the woman’s mind. â€Å"Oh,†Sunny gasped behind me. I turned to see her staring at the cryotanks that held the Healers. They were standing in the middle of Doc’s desk, the lights on top glowing muted red. On the floor in front of the desk, the seven remaining empty tanks were piled in an untidy heap. Tears sprang to Sunny’s eyes again, and she buried her face against Kyle’s chest. â€Å"I don’t want to go! I want to stay with you,†she moaned to the big man she seemed to trust so completely. â€Å"I know, Sunny. I’m sorry.†Sunny broke down into sobs. I blinked fast, trying to keep the tears from my own eyes. I crossed the small space to where Sunny stood, and stroked her springy black hair. â€Å"I need to talk to her for a minute, Kyle,†I murmured. He nodded, his face troubled, and pulled the clinging girl from his side. â€Å"No, no,†she begged. â€Å"It’s okay,†I promised. â€Å"He’s not going anywhere. I just want to ask you a few questions.†Kyle turned her to face me, and her arms locked around me. I pulled her to the far corner of the room, as far from the nameless woman as I could get. I didn’t want our conversation to confuse or frighten the Healer’s host any more than she already was. Kyle followed, never more than a few inches away. We sat on the floor, facing the wall. â€Å"Jeez,†Kyle murmured. â€Å"I didn’t think it would be like this. This really sucks.†â€Å"How did you find her? And catch her?†I asked. The sobbing girl didn’t react as I questioned him; she just kept crying on my shoulder. â€Å"What happened? Why is she like this?†â€Å"Well, I thought she might be in Las Vegas. I went there first, before I went on to Portland. See, Jodi was really close to her mother, and that’s where Doris lived. I thought, seeing how you were about Jared and the kid, that maybe she would go there, even when she wasn’t Jodi. And I was right. They were all there at the same old house, Doris ‘s house: Doris, and her husband, Warren-they had other names, but I didn’t hear them clearly-and Sunny. I watched them all day, until it was nighttime. Sunny was in Jodi’s old room, alone. I snuck in after they’d all been asleep for hours. I yanked Sunny up, threw her over my shoulder, and jumped out the window. I thought she was going to start screaming, so I was really booking it back to the jeep. Then I was afraid because she didn’t start screaming. She was just so quiet! I was afraid she had†¦ you know. Like that guy we caught once.†I winced-I had a more recent memory. â€Å"So I pulled her off my shoulder, and she was alive, just staring up at me, all wide-eyed. Still not screaming. I carried her back to the jeep. I’d been planning to tie her up, but†¦ she didn’t look that upset. She wasn’t trying to get away, at least. So I just buckled her in and started driving. â€Å"She just stared at me for a long time, and then finally she said, You’re Kyle,’ and I said, Yeah, who are you?’ and she told me her name. What is it again?†â€Å"Sunlight Passing Through the Ice,†Sunny whispered brokenly. â€Å"I like Sunny, though. It’s nice.†â€Å"Anyway,†Kyle went on after clearing his throat. â€Å"She didn’t mind talking to me at all. She wasn’t afraid like I’d thought she’d be. So we talked.†He was quiet for a moment. â€Å"She was happy to see me.†â€Å"I used to dream about him all the time,†Sunny whispered to me. â€Å"Every night. I kept hoping the Seekers would find him; I missed him so much†¦ When I saw him, I thought it was the old dream again.†I swallowed loudly. Kyle reached across me to lay his hand on her cheek. â€Å"She’s a good kid, Wanda. Can’t we send her someplace really nice?†â€Å"That’s what I wanted to ask her about. Where have you lived, Sunny?†I was vaguely aware of the subdued voices of the others, greeting Trudy’s arrival. We had our backs to them. I wanted to see what was going on, but I was also glad not to have the distraction. I tried to concentrate on the crying soul. â€Å"Just here and with the Bears. I was there five life terms. But I like it better here. I haven’t had even a quarter of a life term here!†â€Å"I know. Believe me, I understand. Is there anywhere else, though, that you’ve ever wanted to go? The Flowers, maybe? It’s nice there; I’ve been.†â€Å"I don’t want to be a plant,†she mumbled into my shoulder. â€Å"The Spiders†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I began, but then let my voice trail off. The Spiders were not the right place for Sunny. â€Å"I’m tired of cold. And I like colors.†â€Å"I know.†I sighed. â€Å"I haven’t been a Dolphin, but I hear it’s nice there. Color, mobility, family†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"They’re all so far away. By the time I got anywhere, Kyle would be†¦ He’d be†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She hiccuped and then started crying again. â€Å"Don’t you have any other choices?†Kyle asked anxiously. â€Å"Aren’t there a lot more places out there?†I could hear Trudy talking to the Healer’s host, but I tuned out the words. Let the humans take care of their own for the moment. â€Å"Not that the off-world ships are going to,†I told him, shaking my head. â€Å"There are lots of worlds, but only a few, mostly the newer ones, are still open for settling. And I’m sorry, Sunny, but I have to send you far away. The Seekers want to find my friends here, and they’d bring you back if they could, so you could show them the way.†â€Å"I don’t even know the way,†she sobbed. My shoulder was drenched with her tears. â€Å"He covered my eyes.†Kyle looked at me as if I could produce some kind of miracle to make this all work out perfectly. Like the medicine I’d provided, some kind of magic. But I knew that I was out of magic, out of happy endings-for the soul half of the equation, at least. I stared back hopelessly at Kyle. â€Å"It’s just the Bears, the Flowers, and the Dolphins,†I told him. â€Å"I won’t send her to the Fire Planet.†The small woman shuddered at the name. â€Å"Don’t worry, Sunny. You’ll like the Dolphins. They’ll be nice. Of course they’ll be nice.†She sobbed harder. I sighed and moved on. â€Å"Sunny, I need to ask you about Jodi.†Kyle stiffened beside me. â€Å"What about her?†Sunny mumbled. â€Å"Is she†¦ is she in there with you? Can you hear her?†Sunny sniffed and looked up at me. â€Å"I don’t understand what you mean.†â€Å"Does she ever talk to you? Are you ever aware of her thoughts?†â€Å"My†¦ body’s? Her thoughts? She doesn’t have any. I’m here now.†I nodded slowly. â€Å"Is that bad?†Kyle whispered. â€Å"I don’t know enough about it to tell. It’s probably not good, though.†Kyle’s eyes tightened. â€Å"How long have you been here, Sunny?†She frowned, thinking. â€Å"How long is it, Kyle? Five years? Six? You disappeared before I came home.†â€Å"Six,†he said. â€Å"And how old are you?†I asked her. â€Å"I’m twenty-seven.†That surprised me-she was such a little thing, so young looking. I couldn’t believe she was six years older than Melanie. â€Å"Why does that matter?†Kyle asked. â€Å"I’m not sure. It just seems like the more time someone spent as a human before they became a soul, the better chance they might have at†¦ making a recovery. The greater the percentage of their life they spent human, the more memories they have, the more connections, the more years being called by the right name†¦ I don’t know.†â€Å"Is twenty-one years enough?†he asked, his voice desperate. â€Å"I guess we’ll find out.†â€Å"It’s not fair!†Sunny wailed. â€Å"Why do you get to stay? Why can’t I stay, if you can?†I had to swallow hard. â€Å"That wouldn’t be fair, would it? But I don’t get to stay, Sunny. I have to go, too. And soon. Maybe we’ll leave together.†Perhaps she’d be happier if she thought I was going to the Dolphins with her. By the time she knew otherwise, Sunny would have a different host with different emotions and no tie to this human beside me. Maybe. Anyway, it would be too late. â€Å"I have to go, Sunny, just like you. I have to give my body back, too.†And then, flat and hard from right behind us, Ian’s voice broke the quiet like the crack of a whip. â€Å"What?†How to cite The Host Chapter 55: Attached, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Role of Exposure and Activity Involvement †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Role of Exposure and Activity Involvement. Answer: Introduction From the different marketing channel and desired combination of tools accumulate to bring some concept and advertise the personal and business selling and marketing which is considered as Marketing Communication. Sponsorship, promotion and public relations are the factors of these standards and with the marketing communicating tool a better market orientation can be sustained in this business process. Advertising is a paid from of marketing communication that organizations employee in order to directly communicate messages to the current as well as potential customers. Some of the medium that advertising use in todays global context has grown and evolved exponentially with the advancement of technology. Radio, television or hoardings are traditional form of advertising digital advertising platforms like commercial website; social media etc is also playing an important role in the IMC strategies of an organisation (Belch et al 2014). IMC is Integrated Marketing Communication it is the plan or strategy a company formulates to communicate the consumers ideas, product development etc. Advertising is a mode of mass communication and is an integral part of IMC (Fill and Turnbull 2016). According to the AIDA model of advertising and marketing, the process of advertising must follow four steps attention, interest, decision and action. Advertising is used to create awareness among the consumers of a product or service and in order to do so it has to properly planned and organized (Fill and Turnbull 2016). Advertising creates interest and in turn also develops needs as well (Kelley and Jugenheimer 2015). For example: there are some products that people do not even know exist unless it is advertised. Advertising is responsible for creating a brand image as well, this is a concept of branding where the company employees through various modes of marketing in order to create a perception in the minds of the people regarding a brand (Moriarty et al 2014). For example: Mac Donalds, all the commercials and jingles of Mac Donalds portray a happy time with friends and family as that is the image the company wants to create. The above is the strong theory of advertising as it assumes that with the help of advertising changes can be achieved in a positive way. It provides information about the brand and creates awareness among the loyal and potential customers. It behaves like a tool for persuasion from the behalf of the company to use their products or services over the other competitors (Fill and Turnbull 2016). The strong theory is known as the cognitive approach and is mostly popular in North America. Issues with the theory is that brands have a larger market share sell and promote their goods and services more posing a disadvantageous position for the competition. On the other hand, in the week theory Ehrenberg has argued that change cannot be inflicted with the help of advertising as it is dependent on b ehavioral pattern of a person (Fill and Turnbull 2016). It says that it improves the level of knowledge but it does not impact on the purchase behavior of the consumers. This approach is known as the behaviorist approachand is popular in Australia, NZ and UK. These theories are important as it gives a foundation for marketers to formulate strategy and creative ideas for advertising (Belch et al 2014). These theories influence campaigns as it directs the marketers in formulating the creative ideas. Advertising is the process of mass communication that helps a company to interact with the end consumers, third party organizations are hired in order to strategies and implement the advertising of a brand (Moriarty et al 2014). The media landscape with the help of digital technologies have essentially altered the nature and function of media in the society Marketing media communication has developed and improved immensely in the past decade. The advent of digital marketing is a benchmark change that has taken place in the recent years (Ashley and Tuten 2015). There is a company that provides service for each of the sub headings of marketing communication for example: media planning agency, advertising agencies, PR agencies etc (Tuten and Solomon 2014). Some of the traditional marketing media are: television, radio, prints promotion, OOH (out of home) billboards and hoardings, direct marketing and press (Fill and Turnbull 2016). With development in technology methods and approaches towards the marketing segment has also a changed for good. The choice of medium in which marketing can be employee has also changed and with the various services in the marketing sector. In the last 5years social media has become the new mode of communication and marketers use this platform immensely in order to reach the target customer (Bacile et al 2014). The rise of media is differentiated matter that encompasses the behavioral approach of people and involved customers to buy new products. This is a kind of state of mind that involved with the conventional manner of people those changes by generation (Fill and Turnbull 2016). Old newspaper has changed into digital newspaper, introduction of tablets and magazines are important aspect of media and that turn down the impact of television as well. Radio and Television broadcasting has changed and for that reason the direct marketing has come up by the influence of social media and publication. All those old formats have been change into new one so the consumers are also bought those products to involve and survive in modern market (Fill and Turnbull 2016). Digital billboards, advertising on the internet, radio advertising enhancement in technology etc are some of the new marketing strategies. Skippable ads and non-skipable ads, click baits, online campaigns are some of the new concepts that have developed in the last decade and has gained prominence in the last 10 years (Scott 2015). In the further the change is also dependent on the technology and there can be at any moment a break through innovation like social media which might open other doors of communication. As the reach and rates of advertising in the digital forum has also reduced significantly. There are non-payable methods of marketing in the digital platform as well but that is not that impactful (Tuten and Solomon 2014). Therefore the need from being creative in the approach of marketing is impo rtant. Creativity is essential as it helps create a recall value for the product or service. For example it is often seen that people remember a jingle or a scene form an advertisement which is ten or fifteen years old (Fill and Turnbull 2016). The characteristics of marketing are also evolving with the change in the medium, the lifestyle of the people is also changing and there is a lot of time constraint which makes it important for to be creative (Ashley and Tuten 2015). The cost of media depends on the various factors like: reach, type of medium, impact, factors included in the employment etc. The focus of media consumption measurement from TRP has changed to views and clicks the importance of traditional marketing medium has not reduced due to the advent of digitalization but for companies a plethora of options of marketing has opened. Sponsoring is basically supporting a cause or effort with monetary or any other means. The term is usually associated with non-profit projects but it is also a way of marketing. It is essentially an agreement in between two business entities. It is a mutually beneficial relationship in between the organization and the sponsor (Fill and Turnbull 2016). This is a type of marketing tool that can be associated with advertising that seeks to recognize itself with a publisher, event or cause. For example a company that manufactures sports garments sponsor sports events which helps the company gathers more awareness to the target market of the product or service (Donovan et al 2016). Sponsorship helps a company build an image by associating with events and causes that are relevant for the perception the company wants to build. A company or a brand would use this technique when the brand wants to spared awareness about any product development or idea. When the company also wants to reposition the brand then a the company can choose to associate with an event which will be associated with for example a brand that wants to establish itself as a rebel it can choose to opt a music festival rather than a charitable event, sponsorship also helps a company get ahead of the competition in the market as it helps the company garner more attention from existing or potential customers. There are several aspects or elements for the successful sponsorship as this is the reason behind the planning and implementation. Adding value to the project and reflect the positive influence from the work is the key criteria that relives sponsors by hitting the correct positioning in several times (Fill and Turnbull 2016). The clear objectives is important for setting a goal and that involves all the focus and concentration that provided by organization to satisfy the sponsors. Activation plan and sponsorship right situation is the best accession that right holders have for the development of the organization (Fill and Turnbull 2016). Measuring the result is also important as the quality sponsorship is needed for the professional approach as the result has done by the specialized loom thus there are high chances of maintaining successful sponsors in business. It also helps the company to gain a good reputation as well as goodwill for the company (Grohs and Reisinger 2014). It helps a marketer strengthen its position in the market, sponsorship helps in all the ways any other means of marketing would facilitate a company. The credibility of the sponsor on the other hand is also responsible for the success or failure of the approach. Sponsor also helps in making business contacts and relation in the market as the event or the cause to be effective has to be related to the sponsor it ensures that the company also gains exposure in the market of operation as well (Fill and Turnbull 2016). All these are implemented in order to enhance the sales rate of the company which in turn will impact the revenue. The image of the brand can also be altered if the cause associated with non-profit organizations (Grohs and Reisinger 2014). According to the congruence effect on sponsorship relatedness, relevance or compatibility plays a key role in being associated with an event or cause. The association with a cause makes a company liable for any kind of good or bad press the event garners. Conclusion Communication is an important aspect of marketing mix and for this reason effective communication strategy and value of the marketing is important for the global challenges and effective communication process. Communication objectives also identify the customers and the target markets and for that reason management communications and industrial market demands are raises high and granted a better service that can peruse the economical balancing in market. Reference list: Ashley, C. and Tuten, T., 2015. Creative strategies in social media marketing: An exploratory study of branded social content and consumer engagement.Psychology Marketing,32(1), pp.15-27. Bacile, T.J., Ye, C. and Swilley, E., 2014. From firm-controlled to consumer-contributed: Consumer co-production of personal media marketing communication.Journal of Interactive Marketing,28(2), pp.117-133. Baim, D.V., Goukasian, L. and Misch, M.B., 2015. Olympic sponsorships, stock prices, and trading activity.International Journal of Sport Finance,10(2), p.175. Belch, G.E., Belch, M.A., Kerr, G.F. and Powell, I., 2014.Advertising: An integrated marketing communication perspective. McGraw-Hill Education. Donovan, R.J., Donovan, R.J., Anwar-McHenry, J., Anwar-McHenry, J., Hernandez Aguilera, Y., Hernandez Aguilera, Y., Nicholas, A., Nicholas, A., Kerrigan, S. and Kerrigan, S., 2016. Increasing brand recall for naming rights sponsorships.Journal of Social Marketing,6(4), pp.377-389. Fill, C. and Turnbull, S., 2016.Marketing Communications. Pearson Higher Ed. Fill, C. and Turnbull, S., 2016.Marketing Communications. Pearson Higher Ed. Grohs, R. and Reisinger, H., 2014. Sponsorship effects on brand image: The role of exposure and activity involvement.Journal of Business Research,67(5), pp.1018-1025. Kelley, L. and Jugenheimer, D.W., 2015.Advertising Account Planning: Planning and Managing an IMC Campaign. Routledge. Moriarty, S., Mitchell, N.D., Wells, W.D., Crawford, R., Brennan, L. and Spence-Stone, R., 2014.Advertising: Principles and practice. Pearson Australia. Scott, D.M., 2015.The new rules of marketing and PR: How to use social media, online video, mobile applications, blogs, news releases, and viral marketing to reach buyers directly. John Wiley Sons. Tuten, T.L. and Solomon, M.R., 2014.Social media marketing. Sage.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Best Tragic Hero Examples for a Heroic Essay and How to Pick Them
The majority of tragic heroes in the worlds literature get created following specific rules set a long time ago. They serve as the guide to produce a character from the list of tragic heroes that will correspond to this classic image. These are specific aspects which every tragic narration is to feature: hubris, nemesis, anagnorisis, peripeteia, hamartia, and catharsis. The Main Characteristic of All Tragic Hero Examples Hubris is considered to be an inseparable part of all tragic hero examples for a heroic essay. It is present in all plays, stories, and novels which have a tragic hero. To cut a long story short, one can say that hubris is a combination of features and shades of the character that make him or her gone arrogant and too proud, resulting in catharsis. According to Aristotle, hubris is to be present in every tragic character. If we look at Oedipus, which is considered to be a classic tragic hero, hubris is very evident within the character. As a king, he has certain limits in showing his pride. He is not a tyrant like other kings around and is loved by the people whom he helps. No thoughts of personal profit ever cross his mind. His departure from his parents is aimed at undoing the sinister prophecy. Despite this, he cant change his destiny which leads him to commit the most heinous crime he could ever commit. It is a tragedy of a human being who is desperate at beating the fate at its own game. This is hardly ever possible, and Oedipus failure is imminent. Another prominent tragic hero in the classic literature is Rodion Raskolnikov. It is famous for introducing certain social aspects into the image of a tragic hero. In this story, a student who is broke comes to a thought that there are two kinds of people. One category is presented by those who are born to change the worlds history. The other consists of those who are unable to do that. The first category of people obtains specific talents and has the power to deviate from moral norms that are widespread in society. Raskolnikov associates himself with Napoleon who had no limits in sacrificing human lives for the sake of the highest aim. The character has regrets and pity for anyone. Such life view brings him to the moment when he commits a brutal murder which changes his life. Make an Order Traditional Forms of Nemesis with Tragic Hero Examples For a Heroic Essay There are different kinds of nemesis is literature. Anyway, it states for the conflict of the tragic hero. This conflict can be the result of the heros pride. For example, Oedipus believes that he can trick his destiny, but, eventually, it leads him to the murder of his own father. You may choose many other hero examples for a heroic essay that have faced their nemesis led by their hubris. One of such tragic hero examples is Raskolnikov. He would never kill a person unless he was sure that it would change something for other people. He understood what a terrible crime he did right away. But there was no turning back. So, it gave the start to his inner struggles. This was the inner conflict – one of the most widespread types of nemesis. The point is that neither characters nor people in the real world have enemies before they make some wrong decisions which make them perfect hero examples for a heroic essay. There should be some circumstances that provoke a conflict, and usuall y, we create them with our own hands. Even if some tragic heroes examples get killed by characters whom we can describe as evil, there are often heros actions that lead to that. This happens to Severus Snape, one of the most celebrated modern tragic hero examples. He gets killed by the Dark Lord, but this is not the main reason why we sympathize this hero, as it was the only logical decision to reveal Snapes real intentions. This is his pride and incapacity to reveal the best in him makes us sympathetic: Snape appears to be cold and cruel, but his noble deeds (and the reasons for the deeds that might have been considered evil) display him as one of the most courageous and loyal characters in the book. The difference of what Snape shows to the society and what is really going on in his heart is the characters nemesis. Nemesis as the Clash: Tragic Hero vs. His Enemy There is no point in denying that different decision could have brought the tragic hero examples described above to a completely different nemesis or even a different end. But sometimes we can witness the other kind of nemesis – an outside threat in the face of a real person. F.S. Fitzgerald chose such nemesis for his protagonist – Jay Gatsby. This is Tom Buchanan, the husband of the woman Gatsby craves. This is a vile, unpleasant person. Some of his actions are triggered by Gatsbys behavior, others are not. Here, we can see an interaction of two complicated characters and their clash is inevitable, regardless Gatsbys decisions on whether to follow his dream or not. It is peculiar that Gatsby sees that his struggles were in vain before the highest point of the conflict. But the conflict still goes on, because it is not just in Gatsbys head, it also gets fueled by the pride and arrogance of another person. Is it all about the woman? No. Tom would try to revenge even if G atsby gave up, as it is about envy and the desire to prove that one is better than another. Tom stabbed Gatsby in the back, almost literary. If George didnt know that it was Gatsby who hit his wife with the car, Gatsby wouldnt get killed. The paradox is in the fact that George killed Gatsby not to revenge for Myrtles death. He thought that the one who was in the driving seat was her lover. But it was Tom who said it was Gatsby and it was Tom who was Myrtles lover. The Plot Changes: Anagnorisis and Peripeteia All the tragic heroes examples get revealed in the background on sudden twists. These twists are completed with the help of anagnorisis and peripeteia. Anagnorisis is an unexpected discovery made by the tragic hero. Oedipus, for instance, understands that he hasnt avoided his fate and did kill his father. Romeo and Juliet face the truth when it gets clear that they belong to rival families and there was no way they could end up together. Jay Gatsby realizes that the woman he thought he loved is not the girl he used to know anymore. Peripeteia is a twist in the plot caused by the outer circumstances. For example, we can observe peripeteia when Daisy hits Myrtle with the car when Voldemort decides that he is to kill Snape to change the master of the Elder wand, and so on. It is used to demonstrate that it is not only the hero’s decisions that form his or her destiny. Anagnorisis and peripeteia are closely interrelated, but they have distinct peculiarities of their own. How the Plot Is Developed: Hamartia of the Tragic Hero Hamartia is the term denoting the tragic way of the hero to his or her downfall. It is usually provoked with the hero’s hubris. Hamartia leads the hero to the tragic end step by step but never hints what it would be. Some of the endings are too tough even if we agree that the hero’s deeds are awful, like in the case of Oedipus who could have found peace in death but chose to be blinded. But hamartia, in this and other cases, don’t give too much away and we can’t predict the tragic outcome. Catharsis: The Tragic Hero’s Downfall If you are trying to choose hero examples for a heroic essay and find out that catharsis of this work is hard to analyze, this is probably not the best choice you can make. Catharsis is not just a spectacular end, that can be replaced by different aspects of your analysis. All tragic heroes, whether these are ancient heroes or modern tragic hero examples, are created to bring catharsis to the reader. The reader, in turn, has to feel extreme pity for all hero examples for a heroic essay. Moreover, the reader has to be frightened with the hero’s fate. Make an Order We (almost) always feel that the tragic hero could have avoided the tragic end. Who wouldnt prefer that Rowling let Snape live? Who wouldnt wish happiness to Romeo and Juliet? And even Oedipus understood everything and he was a great king, why does he have to suffer? But this is what differs a tragic hero from any other type. J.K. Rowling, for example, could have killed Harry Potter and he would make a perfect tragic hero. But with the help of another peripeteia, she saved him (once more) leaving worried fans and her publishing agents some hope for the sequel. And it was actually published! But this is not the only example when the hero could have died but didn’t, transforming from a potential tragic hero to an epic one. Some can argue that in Shakespeare’s times there wasn’t so much pressure on authors and they killed everybody they wanted in their books. Presumably, for this reason, tragic hero examples were much more plentiful than today. In reality, authors have always changed their plots in the process of writing for numerous reasons. And it is not only about sequels. Besides, there are some examples of the main characters that deserve punishment. Dorian Gray, for example, is definitely not a tragic hero, as he lacks all the positive personal traits that Raskolnikov or Gatsby possess. We can compare Wildes protagonist with Georges Duroy portrayed in Bel Ami by Guy de Maupassant at the beginning of the 20th century. Duroy is a good-for-nothing journalist who succeeds in life with the help of endless affairs and schemes. And this doesnt even prevent him from becoming one of the most influential men in Paris. Both these characters stories lack catharsis, as one gets what he deserves and the other gets a happy-ending which he doesnt deserve. They are both not the examples of tragic heroes. There have always been personal qualities any of hero examples for a heroic essay has to possess. All from the list of tragic heroes are generally decent people, with whom readers can associate themselves. Examples of tragic heroes are not deprived of human weaknesses, which make them closer to the general public than other hero types, like an epic hero, for example. But these qualities dont reveal characters to the full. They should be combined with other aspects of creating tragic hero examples. Otherwise, it will not be possible for the writer to create the desired effect of catharsis.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Check Out Famous Dr. Seuss Quotes
Check Out Famous Dr. Seuss Quotes Dr. Seuss, the pen name of Theodor Geisel, is the author of numerous classic childrens books such as The Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham, The Lorax and How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Dr. Seuss books are special because of his unique style of rhyming, often with made-up words, and fascinating cartoon characters. Children who struggle with reading, or arent interested in reading, find themselves deeply engrossed in a Dr. Seuss book. Here are some of the most memorable quotes from Dr. Seuss. Quotes from Oh the Places Youll Go! Kid, you’ll move mountains! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So get on your way!  The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places youll go. You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. Youre on your own, and you know what you know. And you will be the guy wholl decide where youll go. Quotes from The Cat in the Hat I know it is wet and the sun is not sunny, but we can have lots of good fun that is funny. Look at me! Look at me! Look at me now! It is fun to have fun. But you have to know how. Quotes from The Lorax I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. I speak for the trees for the trees have no tongues. Its not about what it is, its about what it can become. Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not. Quotes from Other Dr. Seuss Books Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.  - Happy Birthday to You! Don’t give up! I believe in you all. A person’s a person, no matter how small! - Horton Hears a Who. And the turtles, of course... All the turtles are free As turtles and, maybe, all creatures should be. - Yertle the Turtle. Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try. - Oh, the Thinks You Can Think! So you see! Theres no end to the thing you might know, depending how far beyond Zebra you go. - On Beyond Zebra. I will not eat them in a house, I  will not eat them with a mouse. I will not eat them in a box. I will not eat them with a fox. I will not eat them here or there, I will not eat them anywhere.  I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them, Sam I am.  - Green Eggs and Ham. This fox is a tricky fox. Hell try to get your tongue in trouble. - Fox in Socks. The time has come. The time is now. Just go. Go. Go! I dont care how.   - Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now!
Friday, November 22, 2019
Causes and Effects of Nut Allergy
Causes and Effects of Nut Allergy NUT ALLERGY INTRODUCTION: 1.1 What is an allergy? When exposed to certain foreign substances, a reaction takes place in our immune system which is referred to as allergy [1]. Population of more than 25% in industrialized countries suffer from allergies [2]. These reactions are exaggerated because these foreign substances are recognized as harmless and no response takes place in non-allergic individuals. Most of the allergies are hypersensitive immune responses to these foreign substances. A substance that causes allergy is known as an ‘allergen’ [1]. Allergens include dust mites, foods, molds, pollens, animal dander, insect stings, medicines, etc. [2, 3]. Allergens may be ingested (swallowed or eaten), inhaled, injected into the body or applied to the skin. Most of the allergens are harmless and so majority of the individuals are not affected by them. In the modern world allergy is one of the most wide spread diseases. Allergy can vary in many ways like different individuals show various symptoms of allergies which can be moderate (runny nose) to extreme (anaphylaxis) [2]. 1.2 The Immunology of Allergies: Our body is protected from pathogens and other foreign substances by our immune system which produces a glycoprotein known as immunoglobulin (Ig) or antibodies from B-cells or plasma cells. The antibody involved in allergic reaction is Immunoglobulin E (IgE). There is overproduction of IgE during allergic response [2]. 1.3 Food Allergy: An abnormal response triggered by the body’s immune system to a food is known as food allergy [4]. Food allergy is different from food intolerance, toxin mediated reactions and pharmacological reactions [4]. 2.4-3.7% of adults are affected by food allergy [5]. Various fruits like peach, apple including peanut and tree nut are the most common foods which elicit a reaction. The most common cause of food allergy is anaphylactic reactions. Different studies have shown that food allergy has various hea lth related issues which has a negative impact on individuals. Food allergy is the major cause of life threatening hypersensitivity reactions [5]. The most common foods that elicit allergy reactions include: Fish Milk Egg Soy Wheat Peanut Treenut To prevent further reactions related to food allergy we need to avoid allergenic foodstuff [6]. 1.4 Nut Allergy: Individuals affected by nut allergy experience a large variation in the intensity of their allergic reactions. Nut allergy is majorly seen in children. Peanuts and tree nuts mostly cause life threatening food allergic reactions. Life of children and adolescents can be severely compromised by nut allergy. Patients dying from nut anaphylaxis suffered from multiple nut allergies. Symptoms related to nut allergy have specific IgE to more than one nut [5]. Types of Tree Nuts: Almonds Cashew nuts Filberts Brazil nuts Chestnuts Walnuts Pistachios Pecans Hickory nuts Macadamia nuts Hazelnuts [7] Nut allergy can produce: Swelling (angioedema) Asthma symptoms Vomiting Swelling in the throat, causing difficulty in swallowing or breathing A tingling feeling in the lips or mouth An itchynettlerash (urticaria, hives) Diarrhoea Cramping tummy pains Unconsciousness and faintness [8] 1.5 PEANUT ALLERGY: The most common and the leading cause of food allergy in children and adults is Peanut allergy. Peanut is a cheap source of protein. Therefore, peanuts are used mostly in protein rich food products [9]. 1 in 50 children and 1 in 200 adults suffer from this allergy. It is the most likely food to cause death and anaphylaxis [10].
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Why did London attract such a large and diverse flow of immigrants Essay
Why did London attract such a large and diverse flow of immigrants - Essay Example Lasting four days, the fire destroyed 87 parish churches and 13,200 residential houses, killing several citizens and leaving 70,000 homeless. This essay will give a description of the rebuilding of London just after the Great Fire and what it meant for the city as well as the outlook of immigration at that time. It will further address significant events in the growth of the city relating to immigrant groups that arrived in different time periods upto the period after World War Two (WWII) and the early 1960s. Each group impacted differently on the city, contributing to different aspects of life ranging from clothing, cuisine, architecture and the industrial revolution. Most of the wooden structures and the springing slums were destroyed by the fire, resulting in devastating economic and social problems. To facilitate reconstruction, King Charles II initiated and encouraged resettlement to other areas amidst fears of rebellion from dispossessed refugees. This led to depopulation of th e city just after the fire. Disputes between landlords and tenants were settled by a specially convened fire court to decide who must rebuild, and most of the plan of the old city was used for rebuilding. However, new regulations were also included such that the plan, additionally, had improved fire safety and hygiene standards, stone and brick structures, wider streets, communication infrastructure and no obstructions to the access of river Thames. A monument was also built near Pudding Lane in commemoration of the fire, together with the famous St. Paul’s Cathedral and 50 other smaller churches. The rebuilding process was slow, and within one year, the new houses did not number more than 200. However, things soon picked up and 7,000 new buildings had been completed by 1671[8]. The emergent city was by the standards a modern one, attracting back the population and wealth that had shifted to London’s suburbs and the Town. New insurance companies were also set up to fig ht fires. Presently, the houses in Spitalfields along Folgate Street in eastern London, grand and terraced, reminds any visitor to London of the refugee silk weavers who designed and constructed them[1]. Although it existed before the Great Fire of London, silk weaving was one of the economic successes that attracted immigrants to London in the late 17th century and early 18th century. It was initially introduced by the French Protestants, known as the Huguenots, along with the manufacture of guns and clocks[2]. They arrived in London fleeing a wave of persecution in their home country and were welcomed by King Charles II, joining the Jewish settlers who had earlier been expelled but allowed back into London by Oliver Cromwell. At the end of the 17th century, there were an approximate 50,000 Huguenots and 20,000 Jews in London, most notably in the Spitalfields area, who were later joined by the Bangladeshis. Recently, estimates have shown that 25 percent of London’s contempor ary population has a Huguenot ancestor. However, mass transfer of silk weaving technology into London was via Netherlands from the Far East, Middle East and Italy, during which time, early signs of an interwoven thread of cultures and ethnicities, often contrasting, began to show. By 1713, silk workers migrated from most parts of Europe into London, and the city employed close to 300,000 immigrants skilled in the industry[4]. This influx of immigrants was fuelled by the royal family’s presence in London and the fact that the city was home to England’
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Freudian Theory and Poppers Falsifiability Essay - 1
Freudian Theory and Poppers Falsifiability - Essay Example In doing so, I shall argue that although Freudian psychology cannot be falsified, and is thus deemed as pseudo-scientific, it nevertheless works in both scientific theory and practice. How do we distinguish between science and pseudo-science? Popper’s solution to the demarcation problem is really quite simple. He says that what distinguishes scientific claims from non-scientific ones is its falsifiability. Thus, a hypothesis is scientific if and only if there is some way in which it can be falsified by means of some experiment. If we cannot construct an experiment, which can potentially falsify a hypothesis, then the hypothesis, even if it is meaningful, is really not quite scientific. In line with these two theories that are foundational to Popper’s philosophy, it is clear that Popper views science as a rational enterprise, where theory-change is characterized by scientific progress. According to Popper, science changes through a two-step cycle. Stage one is conjecture, and the second stage is attempted refutation. Under the stage of conjecture, a theory is proposed as an attempt to solve the problem at hand. The theory is then put to test by attempted refutations. Attempted refutation occurs when â€Å"the hypothesis is subjected to critical testing, in an attempts to show that it is false†(Godfrey-Smith, 2003, p. 61). Moreover, Popper notes that after the hypothesis is refuted, the process repeats again starting from a new conjecture, and so on and so forth. If the theory is corroborated, then it is temporarily accepted as un-refuted, but not justified. What is important to take note of here is that as the process goes on, the scientist tends to propose new conjectures that are related to previous conjectures. Thus, a scientific theory is merely modified and improved through this process of conjecture and refutation, i.e. falsification of the previous conjectures.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Abigails Party Essay Example for Free
Abigails Party Essay This is shown when Beverly suggests â€Å"[getting] pissed†after having an argument with Laurence. The use of the word â€Å"pissed†as a colloquialism for drunk could be seen as being symbolic of Beverly’s true social class seeping through the performance she continuously puts on throughout the night. This is humorous for the audience as Beverly spends a great deal of time and effort in the first part of Act 1 making sure that she is able to impress guests like Angela and Tony and try to feel in the same social class as Susan. She does this by adding a copy of â€Å"[placing] a copy of Cosmopolitan magazine in the magazine rack†and â€Å"[putting] on a record (Donna Summer: Love to Love you†among other things yet after one small spat shall we say with her husband represses back to having the personality the audience believes she’s trying to hide. Some might also say that Leigh’s use of fools near the end of Act 1 is to create after a very tense moment. An example of this would be after Laurence makes quite a long speech which gives us an idea of his views about people as he says that people often â€Å"just drift through life, without any real aims†. He also describes these people as being â€Å"weak†. Both these points are extremely serious and also quite angry. This means that when Angela tells a story about the time â€Å"[she] went to a party†right after these serious points, the audience feels sorry for Laurence as no one seems to be listening to him, but they also can’t help but laugh at Angela’s complete vacancy of points Laurence was making. This makes Angela a clear example of a natural fool as she has no real knowledge about when she is making an irrelevant point. It could also be said that the comic convention of foolishness is used when Angela and Beverly doesn’t know when she is saying something inappropriate or hurtful. An example of this would be when they try to reassure Susan about her daughter Abigail’s party but end up doing the exact opposite by Beverly saying that â€Å"teenagers get over-excited†to which Angela add that â€Å"it all starts with one kiss†. This is humorous as while trying to do one thing, Beverly and Angela end up doing the exact opposite without realising it which is a classic example of a natural fool. This part of the play could also be seen as cringe comedy because of the sympathy the audience feels for innocent Susan who has been kicked out of her house by her daughter only to e made to feel even more uncomfortable in Beverly’s house with her continuous points about teenagers and their rumoured carelessness which, including the gin and tonics Beverly gives Susan, causes her to be physically sick at the very end of the act. Hypocrisy could be considered to be another comic convention that is shown at the end of Act 1. This is particularly something that Beverly shows more than anyone else as when she is describing teenagers as having â€Å"a drink in one hand, a cigarette in the other [and] they’re having a bit of a dance†. The hypocrisy of this is that Beverly throughout the act is continuously refilling people’s drinks, offering cigarettes to everyone and is described on page 42 as â€Å"[proceeding] to have a dance solo in front of the others†. This is humorous as it makes it plainly obvious that Beverly is a natural fool because she is, in many ways just as childish as the teenagers that were in Susan’s house. This is another case of the audience feeling superior to the characters on stage as they when seeing the play would mostly be middle class and therefore they would also probably not be as childish as Beverly or Angela. Leigh’s uses of comic conventions are, in my opinion, used to establish a social ladder change between when the characters are first introduced and when the act finishes which is shown with Susan coming to the house with a bottle of red wine and ending up being sick in the toilet. Leigh’s clear use of comic conventions such as hypocrisy is also to breakdown the difference between sophistication and childishness. Mostly though, Leigh uses comic conventions to get the audience to question where they stand on the social ladder and if it really matters in this world.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
American Film and Movies from the 1950’s to Present Essay -- Movie Fil
American Film and Movies from the 1950’s to Present Today, American film is among the most internationally supported commodities. Financially, its contributions are enormous: the industry is responsible for the circulation of billions of dollars each year. Since its explosion into the new media markets during the mid-twentieth century, film has produced consistently growing numbers of viewers and critics alike. Sparking debate over the nature of its viewing, film is now being questioned in social, political, and moral arenas for its potential impact on an audience. Critics claim that watching films is a passive activity in which the viewer becomes subconsciously absorbed, and creates a reliance or "addiction" to the medium, and thus can be influenced by any perpetual concepts or images. Advocates, however, argue that viewing such programs is an active process in which audience members are able to choose to what they are exposed, and interpret messages based on their individual needs and background. Perhaps both views are too extreme. Film from the 1950s to present, as will be explored in this essay, is an extremely useful medium, often underestimated within the label of "entertainment"; unfortunately, it may be partially responsible for current socio-cultural problems, too. The critical question, then, is whether film has fostered the progress of a more open-minded America, or rather hindered its development through the perpetuation of antiquated concepts of stereotypes, densensitized violence and breeding of normalcy. Whether or not a naà ¯ve approach to film as an inclusive medium holds true to fact, however, is questionable. Since its popular arrival in American culture during the 1930s, film has sparked controversy over ..., Francis, ed. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1996. Jowett, Garth. "A Significant Medium", in Movie Censorship and American Culture. Couvares, Francis, ed. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1996. Lyons, Charles, "The Paradox of Protest", in Movie Censorship and American Culture. Couvares, Francis, ed. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1996. Ross, Steven T., ed. Movies and American Society. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2002. Wasser, Frederick. "Is Hollywood America?", in Movies and American Society. Ross, Steven T., ed. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2002. Slocum, J. David, ed. Violence and American Cinema. New York: Routledge, 2001. Rotham, William. "Violence and Film", in Violence and American Cinema. Slocum, J. David, ed. Routledge, 2001. Turner, Graeme. Film As Social Practice. New York: Routledge, 1999.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Bleak House Commentary Essay
The following is an analysis of a passage from Charles Dickens’ novel, Bleak House, in which a bleak and dreary atmosphere is conveyed. The first thing that is mentioned by the narrator in the first paragraph of the passage is mud, and this plays a significant part in the depiction of a filthy, dirty environment. The beginning line, ‘As much mud in the streets†¦and it would not be wonderful to meet a Megalosaurus, forty feet long or so, waddling like an elephantine lizard up Holborn Hill’ uses hyperbole to suggest that the streets are so muddy that it’s almost like the beginning of the world, and it wouldn’t be strange to see a dinosaur roaming around because of that. Also, the line ‘Dogs, undistinguishable in mire. Horses, scarcely better; splashed to their very blinkers’ is an exaggeration of how the streets are so dirty that one cannot tell the different between the mud and the dogs, and even horses are up to their eyes in it. This shows us just how much mud and grime there is, and how dirty everything is. Another aspect in this passage is the dreariness and the bleak environment. This is expressed in the line ‘Foot-passengers, jostling one another’s umbrellas, in a general infection of ill temper, and losing their foot-hold at street-corners, where tens of thousands of other foot passengers have been slipping and sliding since the day broke (if this day ever broke), adding new deposits to the crust upon crust of mud†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Firstly, the line ‘jostling one another’s umbrellas’ suggests that the place is so overcrowded and uncomfortable that people are all bumping into each other, and that their ‘ill temper’ is spread like a disease every time they come into contact, and it stirs in us a sense of claustrophobia because the people are all packed together. This adds to the implication that it’s a miserable and unpleasant place to be. Also, the fact that the foot-passengers are using umbrellas suggests that it is or has been raining, strengthening the general feeling of gloominess. Furthermore, the fact that the part of the line ‘†¦slipping and sliding since the day broke (if this day ever broke)’ is written in parenthesis suggests the sarcastic voice of the narrator, that he is mocking the foot-passenger’s ill temper and derisively commenting on the cold and depressing atmosphere, and this in turn reinforces that very fact. The use of sibilance in ‘slipping and sliding’ further increases the effect of the dismal environment. The following line, ‘Smoke lowering down from chimney-pots, making a soft black drizzle with flakes of soot in it as big as full-grown snowflakes – gone into mourning, one might imagine, for the death of the sun’ is very effective in expressing how unpleasant the place is. The fact that the smoke is ‘lowering’ down, instead of drifting upwards as it normally does, implies that the atmosphere is so oppressive that even smoke can’t escape and is being pushed down. In addition, there is a personification of the soot and snow, as they have ‘gone into mourning’ for the ‘death of the sun’. This could be an implication that the place is so gloomy and polluted that you can no longer see the sun, and that is why it has ‘died’, and is also why everything is black. This effectively intensifies the feeling of despair and dreariness that is hanging over the city, and the bleakness of the environment. The second paragraph of this passage concentrates mainly on fog and how it has been personified into a shadowy demon from which there is no escape. The first line of the second paragraph begins with ‘Fog everywhere’, and this alone is a very abrupt, aggressive statement that makes us feel, once again, slightly claustrophobic, as though there is fog pressing in all around us and that there is no escape from it. Subsequently, the lines ‘Fog in the eyes and throats of ancient Greenwich pensioners, wheezing by the firesides,’ and ‘Fog cruelly pinching the toes and fingers of his shivering little ‘prentice boy on deck’ are examples of how the fog is personified, and made to seem sinister, omnipresent, like an oppressor that takes pleasure in attacking weak, vulnerable people like ‘ancient Greenwich pensioners’ and the ‘shivering little ‘prentice boy’. Another very effectual line is ‘Chance people on the bridges peeping over the parapets into a nether sky of fog, with fog all round them, as if they were up in a balloon, and hanging in the misty clouds’. The use of the verb ‘peeping’ is very interesting because it means the people are looking quickly or secretly over the bridges, and it creates a sense of nervousness and apprehension, as though the people are frightened of the fog, thus making the fog seem all the more threatening. In addition to this, the use of ‘parapets’ may not be just a reference to the sides of the bridge, as it also makes us think of castles, and so people peeping over parapets makes it seem as though they are under siege or under attack from an army of fog, which goes back to the allusion that the fog attacks weak or vulnerable people. Furthermore, the last part of the line, ‘as if they were up in a balloon, and hanging in the misty clouds’ conveys a sense of helplessness, because when you’re in a balloon you have very limited control, and this has been used as a metaphor to suggest how the people have no control over the fog and that they are trapped by it. Once again, this creates the feeling of claustrophobia and makes it seem overwhelming as there is so much fog and there’s no way out. The structure of these this passage is very interesting to note. The first paragraph is almost conversational, as though the narrator is describing to us the many events of the day, while the second paragraph suddenly switches to more somber, grave narrative of the fog, and this affects us and makes us feel uneasy of the fog. This is also partly because the passage is written in the present, and so it involves us, makes us feel as if we are there in the dreary environment. Additionally, the elongated syntax of the sentences mirrors the long, miserable day and the never-ending fog, and this intensifies the gloomy feeling we get from it. In conclusion, this passage from Bleak House uses many different techniques such as personification, hyperbole and tone of voice to effectively express the dirty and gloomy environment and the general feeling of misery and despair.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Octane Service Station Essay
On March 15, Julio Trevino signed a lease agreement to operate a gasoline service station that was owned by the Octane Oil Company (here after, simply â€Å"Octane†). Trevino had contacted the regional sales manager of Octane in response to an advertisement that solicited applicants â€Å"with $25,000 to invest†to lease and operate a newly erected Octane gasoline service station. Trevino had been able to accumulate approximately $32,000 for investment purposes as a result of a $25,000 inheritance and savings on the salary of $865 per week he earned as manager of a service station operated as a separate department of a J.C. Penney store. Most of this $32,000 was held in government bonds. The regional sales manager for Octane was impressed with Trevino’s personal and financial qualifications, and after several interviews, a lease agreement was signed. During one of these meetings the sales manager informed Trevino that the new station would be ready for occupancy on May 1st at a total investment cost of $300,000. Of this amount, $100,000 had already been paid for land, and a total of $200,000 would be spent for a building that would be â€Å"good for about 40 years†. In discussing profit potential, the sales manager pointed out that Octane’s national advertising program and the consumer appeal generated by the attractive station â€Å"will be worth at least $30,000 a year to you in consumer goodwill.†The lease agreement stipulated that Trevino pay a rental of $1,250 per month for the station plus $0.04 for each gallon of gasoline delivered t the station by Octane1. A separate agreement was also signed whereby Octane agreed to sell and Trevino agreed to buy a certain minimum quantities of gasoline and other automotive products for the service station operation. As both evidence of good faith and as a prepayment on certain obligations that he would shortly incur to Octane, Trevino was required to deposit $20,000 with Octane at the time the lease was signed. Trevino raised the cash for this deposit by liquidating government bonds. Octane used most of this money to defray certain obligations incurred by Trevino to the oil company prior to the opening of the new station. The deductions from the $20,000 deposits were applied as follow: 1 The lease, which covered a period of one year beginning May 1, was automatically renewable unless notice of cancellation was given by either party at lease 30 days prior to an anniversary date. The regional sales manager of the Octane Oil Company estimated that approximately 150,000 gallons of gasoline would be delivered to Trevino’s Service Station during the first 12 months of operations. Subsequently, Trevino’s records revealed that 27,000 gallons (including the initial inventory) were actually delivered during the first two months of operation. The equipment, including floor and hydraulic jacks, a battery charger, tune-up sets, and oil and grease guns, became Trevino’s property. A representative of the oil company stated that this equipment would last about five years. The unpaid, non-interest bearing balance of $10,300 Trevino owed Octane for equipment was to be paid in five semi-annual installments of $2,060 each. The first such payment was due November 1. The $2,755 remaining from the $20,000 originally deposited with Octane was returned to Trevino on April 30. He deposited this money in a special checking account he had set up for his service station venture. Just before opening for business on May 1, Trevino converted some additional government bonds into $7,000 cash which he also placed in the service station account. Prior to May 1, he wrote the following checks: $1,650 for office furniture that had an expected life of 10 years, and $900 for a fire and casualty insurance policy providing coverage for a one year period beginning May 1. On April 30, Trevino transferred $200 from the service station checking account to the cash drawer at the service station. It was Trevino’s intention to deposit in the bank all but $200 of the cash on hand at the close of each business day. The balance in the service station checking account at the start of business was, therefore, $7,005. In addition, Trevino had $2,700 in a savings account. On May 1, the service station was opened for business. In his effort to build up clientele, Trevino worked approximately 60 hours per week compared with 40 in his previous job. In addition, three other people were employed on either a full or part-time basis. Trevino was reasonably satisfied with the patronage he was able to build up during the first two months the station was open. At the end of June, however, he felt it would be desirable to take a more careful look at how he was making out in his new business venture. Trevino felt that he should record his progress and present position in a form that would be useful not only at the present time but also for comparative purposes in the future, perhaps a six months intervals ending on June 30 and December 31. Trevino maintained a simple record keeping system in which cash receipts and cash payments were itemized daily in a loose-leaf notebook. Separate pages were reserved for specific items in this notebook. During the months of May and June, the following cash receipts and payments had been recorded: The $500 listed in cash receipts as rental from parking area had been receive from an adjacent business establishment that used one portion of the service station site as a parking space for certain of its employees. The rental received covered a period extending from May 15 to July 15. In addition to the record of cash receipts and payments, a detailed listing was kept of the amounts of money that were due from, or owed to, other individuals or companies. An analysis of these records revealed that $143 was due the business for gas, oil, and car servicing from a wealthy widow friend of the Trevino family who preferred to deal on a credit basis. Also, on the evening of June 30, one of the employees completed waxing a car for a regular customer who was out of town and would be unable to call for his car until July 3. Trevino had quoted a price of $56 for this job. Trevino recalled that when he once worked at an automobile agency, he had heard that setting up a reserve for bad debts equal to two percent of all outstanding accounts was a good idea. Trevino had also jotted down the fact that he and his family had used gas and oil from the service station worth $101 at retail prices, for which no payment had been made. Approximately $79 had been paid to Octane Oil Company for this merchandise. A further summary of his records revealed the following unpaid bills resulting from operations in June: The service station’s employees had last been paid on Saturday, June 28, for services rendered through Saturday evening. Wages earned on June 29 and 30 would amount to $232 in the following Saturday’s payroll. Trevino took a physical inventory on the evening of June 20, and he found gasoline, motor oil, grease, tires, batteries, and accessories on hand that had cost $10,018. While Trevino was figuring his inventory position, he compared his recorded gallonage sales of gasoline on hand at the end of the period against the volume of gasoline at the beginning inventory plus deliveries. In this manner, Trevino ascertained that shrinkage due to evaporation, temperature changes, waste and other causes amounted to 302 gallons of gasoline that he estimated had cost $360. Late in June, Trevino’s married son realized that he would be unable, because of prolonged illness to make payment of $192 for interest expense and $800 for principal repayment on a $2,400 bank loan. Trevino, who had acted as co-signer on the note, would be obligated to meet this payment on July 1.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Industry Analysis Essay Example
Industry Analysis Essay Example Industry Analysis Essay Industry Analysis Essay Smaller firms are unable to diversify products in this way, as they do not have the required technology or capital to produce a large range. Furthermore, the Big Three also faced a trade-off with regards to which cereals would be allowed the limited shelf-space they were allocated at supermarkets. 2) The Industry significant segment markets are aimed at different types of consumers or those with different lifestyles. For example Kellogg makes Front Loops, which Is aimed at children rather than adults and Special K, aimed at the more health conscious consumers. This s evident in the RET cereal industry; the Big Three had restrained competition among themselves by achieving effective unwritten agreements to limit in-pack premiums (Harvard Business School, 1995. UP). 5) Prior to 1994 the key to success lay in the concentration of the cereal industry and having few challenger firms. The Big Three also invested heavily in advertising; the advertising/sales ratio was 10. 2% by 1993 (Harvard Business School, 1995 . UP). They did not initially need to resort to pricing strategies however, as buyers had low- switching costs, the threat of private labels increased. Private labels had the advantage of consistently lower prices than major incumbent firms. As the RET industry was characterizes by regular rounds of price increases, the major firms resorted to using coupons as a promotions strategy. However, this only swayed the most price-sensitive buyers, proved costly to the issuers and diminished brand loyalty. Private labels managed to benefit from this situation. The high prices and ubiquitous coupons of branded cereals were blamed by many for the market share of private labels. (Harvard Business School, 1995.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Organisation Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Organisation Behaviour - Essay Example Teams and groups are significant aspects of organizational life. That is because when employees work as a team or a group, they quickly achieve a firm’s goals. However, it has been recorded that working as a team or a group is a complex task thus there must be a good group dynamic. Group dynamics have been defined by Films for the Humanities & Sciences (2001), as the interactions among the employees or the members of a group. It is, therefore, apparent that a work group of a firm is the most significant foundation for the social identity of the workers. The reason is that the relationship within and outside the organization and the performance of work are significantly affected by the nature of a group and the group’s behaviors. Teams and groups are significant aspects of organizational life. That is because when employees work as a team or a group, they quickly achieve a firm’s goals. However, it has been recorded that working as a team or a group is a comple x task thus there must be a good group dynamic. Group dynamics have been defined by Films for the Humanities & Sciences (2001), as the interactions among the employees or the members of a group. It is, therefore, apparent that a work group of a firm is the most significant foundation for the social identity of the workers. The reason is that the relationship within and outside the organization and the performance of work are significantly affected by the nature of a group and the group’s behaviors.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The history, current status, and adoption implications of a Financial Coursework
The history, current status, and adoption implications of a Financial Accounting Standards Board ongoing project - Coursework Example Some of the key provisions of the ongoing FASB project include a requirement for entities to prepare their financial statements using liquidation basis of accounting when a liquidation plan has been approved with relevant authorities as well as when a liquidation plan has been imposed by other forces and there is less likelihood that the entity will successfully return from liquidation (North and Wagenen, 2013). On the other hand, the ongoing project seeks to change the financial statement form for entities using the liquidation basis of accounting into a statement of changes in the liquidation net assets. Lastly, the project also require full disclosure of an entity’s liquidation plan, assumptions used in measuring the assets and liabilities, the intended methods, amount of income and costs accrued as well as the expected duration of the liquidation process. This paper describes the FASB’s liquidation basis of accounting project, its history as well as the current stat us of the project. History and background of the Project The history of the current liquidation basis of accounting project began in 1984 when the Financial Accounting Standards Board released Financial Report Survey by AICPA and illustration of Accounting for Enterprises in Unusual Circumstances and Reporting. In fact, this involved a survey conducted on enterprises, which were reorganized or liquidating. The survey focused on offering a brief review of literatures concerning liquidating and reorganized enterprises. Later in 2007, a there was establishment of a project to this agenda by FASB, aimed at dealing with issues regarding liquidation basis of accounting (AIRA, 2012). Additionally, the project was becoming immediate due to the ongoing concern and the effort by FASB to incorporate AICPA’s Codification of Statements on Auditing Standards AU Section 341. In 2008, FASB offers a draft to establish considerations going concern, and later in 2009, adoption of Accounting Sta ndards Codification contributed through authoritative guidance on ways to deal with constitutes liquidation basis accounting (AIRA, 2012). In July 2012, FASB issued a draft of their proposed accounting standards update titled the Liquidation Basis of Accounting to the Accounting Standards Codification (ASC). Prior to the adoption of the project, ASC, the GAAP used to provide very little guidance regarding what is constituting liquidation basis of accounting as well as how the basis of accounting should be applied to any given entity. The added project to FASB agenda was primarily designed to address both the liquidation basis accounting and going concern issues. Current Status Currently, FASB is making preparations in the project to establish ways of communicating effectively to stakeholders on issues regarding standards-setting activities. They are also making necessary project plans by listing the agendas of the project, thereby making estimates of publication dates by the end of 2013 (North and Wagenen, 2013). FASB is making deterring comments to be made of anticipated period of closure in the next four quarters. They are also holding roundtable meeting and making plans to hold other public forums. Moreover, they are setting standards based on establishment of due process on the procedures, which entail extensive consultation. The project plan is focused on facilitating change due to consultation or other reasons.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Tall Ships Festival in 2014 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Tall Ships Festival in 2014 - Essay Example I may not know all the different types of ships present but I can identify a few ships that look like the battleships I have watched in some action movies and simply seeing them is an awesome experience. The number of people on the port is uncountable as they are into their thousands. Women are dressed in short shorts and halter tops all complete with sandals and wide-brimmed hats to prevent the scorching sun. The men, on the other hand, are also dressed in shorts and male sandals and t-shirts. The same goes for the children. It is not surprising that there are no animals as they are not allowed but the large crowds make up for the lack of animal sounds. Not everyone is entering the ships for the competition but some people are left behind mostly for fear of water or simply to watch over the children scared of the tall humongous ships. The air is filled with different noises from laughter to shouts and screams to even sounds of crying children and of course of the water being disturbed by the ships and the sound is soothing and good music to the ears of those relaxing in the shaded areas and benches. The place is protected from accidents by use of fences. Car traffic is heavy as people are entering the port but there are numerous parking attendants pointing to the large parking spaces. Those on foot are carried using the shuttles to the port from the two entry points but since the shuttles are not many, the first priority is being given to those in wheelchairs and crutches, pregnant women as well as those with small children which is very interesting. The port is littered with tons of vendor booths selling refreshments and snacks and what is also interesting is the fact that there are hundreds of litter bins in anticipation of the amount of trash. T
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Earning a Quality Award Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Earning a Quality Award - Research Paper Example The first step that led to winning the award was the fact that the company had been consistent in offering quality services to its customers. This was in line with the requirements of the of the Malcolm Baldrige standards. Secondly, despite the company not winning the award for many years since it’s founding, they went ahead to make use of quality feedbacks received over the years from the award winners to improve their standards. Mike Frihart, a director at the company, was determined to complete applications for the award winning for several years and therefore highlighting the company’s willingness to continuously advance by regularly reviewing their performance standards. In the third step, the management adopted employee motivation schemes to encourage them to participate optimally to yield high quality products. They were rewarded with financial incentives proportionate to the company’s success, which enabled the company to retain and employ workers with sufficient skills leading to the manufacture of the best possible products. Winning an award is appreciated the world over. Winners of any kind of award get a boost and are branded as achievers in their dealings. In this context, awards have been accompanied by the following benefits: Companies that have won awards realize increase in the sales of their products because the awards act to prove validity of their products and reassure customers that the goods they consume are worthy. New customers also get influenced by this confirmation and in the long run demand for their products increases thereby improving sales. An award confirms good quality of goods/services by an organization. Through this, products/services are proved to be of required standards and the customers always feel satisfied to consuming safe goods. This is comparable to soccer scenarios. For instance, Barcelona FC has satisfied fans world over since they win awards every year. Fans,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The History Of Asian Indian Immigrants History Essay
The History Of Asian Indian Immigrants History Essay As immigration historians have established, the history of Asian Indian immigrants consisted of three major significant waves. The first wave began at about the middle of the nineteenth century when the first Asian Indians arrived in America. In fact, by the end of the nineteenth century, about 7300 Indian immigrants mostly settled in California and the Pacific Northwest of the United States (Leonard, 1992, p. 232). According to Bhatia and Takaki, the first wave immigrants were mostly farmers and laborers. Most of these immigrants were Sikhs from the Punjab region in India. However, after immigrating to the U.S., initially, many of these immigrants were employed as railroad workers on the Western Pacific Railroad and helped to construct the Three-Mile Spring Garden Tunnel. Sometimes they also replaced Italian railroad workers who were on strike in Tacoma, Washington (Bhatia, 2007, p. 82; Takaki, 1989, p. 302). Later these immigrants moved to California to work with the Southern Pacif ic Railroad where they found employment in agriculture. After a while these immigrants settled throughout the Sacramento Valley in northern California and found work on the fruit and rice farms of Marysville, Tudor, Willows, and Chico. These Punjabi immigrants also spread to the San Joaquin Valley, and joined the work in grape and celery fields. Further, Asian Indians moved to the Imperial Valley, where they used to gather cantaloupes and picked cotton (Takaki, 1989, p. 302-303). These Punjabi farm laborers organized themselves into teams of workers ranging from three to fifty people. Each group had a leader who was more highly educated and could communicate in English and keep the group working efficiently. They used to grow crops that were familiar to them in India. Skilled in cultivating and harvesting, most of these Punjabis were exceptional farmers, hard workers who were willing to work in any circumstance (Takaki, 1989, p. 306). Despite working from ten to fourteen hours per day Indian immigrants were paid from twenty-five to fifty cents less per day than Japanese laborers (Takaki, 1989, p. 303). As the main objective of the first wave immigrants was to explore economic opportunity, the main identifying characteristic of these immigrants was their need to survive and have financial stability. Opportunities in the United States provided an economic solution to their problems. For example, salaries in India ranged from 5 to 8 cents per day, and in the United States from 75 cents to 2 dollars per day (Wherry, 1907, p. 918-919). Therefore emigration to the United States offered relief from poverty and hope for financial stability. In the first wave, most of the immigrants were male. These immigrants were not allowed to bring their family with them. Most of them were habituated to live alone and lost most of the contacts with their family and home country. One immigrant named Saint Nihal Singh in his essay, which was published in the magazine Out West, argued that One of the chief points of difference between the immigrant from India and those hailing from Europe lies in the fact that the European brings along with him his family (La Brack, 1982, p. 60). The immigrants economic status, lack of rapid inter-continental communication or travel, as well as restrictive immigration and citizenship laws made it difficult for them to visit India. At the same time, due to another by-product of immigration laws, they were not allowed to bring their family which explains the shortage of Indian immigrant women. Along with the lack of Indian women, their exclusion from social interaction with American dominated society, which was reinforced by anti-miscegenation laws, led this immigrant cohort to marry Mexican American women (Leonard, 1992, p. 131-132; Takaki, 1989, p. 309-310). This fact becomes clear when comparing the percentage of Mexican wives among Indian immigrants in California between 1913 and 1947. In northern California, where there is a relatively small population of Indian immigrants, only 47 percent of wives are Mexican, but in southern California, where the immigrant population is much higher, almost 92 percent of wives came from M exico. As a result, another identifying characteristic of the first wave Indian immigrants was their willingness to mix with other races in the absence of Indian women, further cutting ties with their Indian culture and heritage. This mixing led to a blend of the cultural traditions of Asian Indians and Mexicans and sometimes to a dominant Spanish culture in their home life. For example, their progeny spoke Spanish not Punjabi, celebrated Christian rather than Sikh holidays, they replaced some Indian foods with similar Mexican foods such as tortillas for rotis and Jalapeno peppers for Punjabi chili peppers. Also the Catholic religion was adopted and the first names of children were most often Spanish (Takaki, 1989, p. 311). Over time, the traces of Indian heritage became thinner and thinner which also brought cultural differences and conflicts and led to more divorces among these couples (Takaki, 1989, p. 310). In the 1890s America attracted more Indian immigrants; however, as these immigrants were getting more in number than required, they became labor competitors with white workers and were often victimized by white working-class antagonism and violence. In response to exclusionist pressures, immigration officials targets Asian Indians seeking admission to the United States and denied many Indians between 1908 and 1920, on the grounds that they would likely become public charges (Takaki, 1989, p. 297).The growth of the Punjabi community was cut short by the 1917 Immigration Act, which prohibited further immigrants from India (Leonard, 1992, p. 32; Bankston, 2006, p. 68). However, a few decades later Indian immigrants of this first wave had become a part of the society and some were actively involved in social affairs and gained higher positions. For example, Dalip Saund in 1957 became the first Asian Indian senator from California when he was elected to Congress after it had passed a bill allowing naturalization for Indians in July 1946. Like many early Indian immigrants, Saund had come to the United States from Punjab and had worked initially in the fields and farms of California. Then, he had earned a doctorate at the University of California, Berkeley (Dasgupta, 2006, p. 139). 2.1.2. Second Wave of Indian American Immigrants In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed a bill that has dramatically changed the method by which immigrants are admitted to America (Kutler, 2003, p. 230; Bankston, 2006, p. 320). The significance of this bill was that future immigrants were to be welcomed because of their professional skills, but not based on their country of origin. After the passing of this bill, significantly larger numbers of Asian Indian immigrants started migrating to the U.S. leading to the second wave. Between 1965 and 1974, Indian immigrants to the U.S. increased at a rate greater than those from any other country (U.S. Census Bureau, 2000). This was mainly because of their fluency in English, high professional skills and level of education. Bhatia has stated that the second wave of immigrants was very different from the first wave of Indian immigrants in terms of their economic, educational and social status (Bhatia, 2007, p. 14). Takaki also claims that the first and second waves of Indian immigrants were worlds apart. In a published interview by Barkan, Dr. S. Patel who was a second wave immigrant, agreed with Takaki, describing the difference of the first and second waves: It is a class thing. They came from the farming, the lower class. We came from the educated middle class. We spoke English. We went to college. We were already assimilated in India, before we came here (Barkan, 1983, p. 48). The immigrants who emigrated after 1965 were overwhelmingly urban, professional, highly educated and quickly engaged in gainful employment in many U.S. cities. Many had prior exposure to Western society and education which led to a relatively smooth transition to the United States. In between 1966 and 1977, 83 percent of Indians who entered the U.S. under the occupational category of professional and technical workers; the entrants of this time included many scientists, doctors, and engineers (Prashad, 2000, p. 75). In addition, Bhatia states that most of this group of Asian Indians was trained as medical doctors, engineers, scientists, university professors, and doctoral and postdoctoral students in mostly science-related disciplines like chemistry, biochemistry, mathematics, physics and biology (Bhatia, 2007, p. 14). However, both waves of immigrants from India shared a desire for a better life in America with greater opportunities for economic growth and independence (Takaki, 1989, p. 445). The second wave of immigrants enjoyed greater success with the greater economic opportunities in America because of their education. They could possibly make their life in India, but they also saw more opportunity in America. Unlike the first wave of immigrants, the second wave of immigrants defined themselves differently in relation to the U.S. and their home country. They were more educated, professional, and socially stable as they were allowed to bring their families. Though the search for economic opportunities brought both waves to the United States, the second wave of immigrants was able to earn more money and have improved standard of living than first wave immigrants. Also they maintained their ties with their culture and heritage through their families. Unlike the first wave immigrants, who were mainly male, the second wave immigrants were both male and female. Some Indian immigrant women used to work out of their home, contrary to traditional Indian American norms as well as to those in the first wave of Asian Indian immigrants. As a result, they participated in the mainstream of America and adapted to US culture faster and became more bicultural than those Indian immigrant women who adopted more traditional roles (Nandan, 2007, p. 395). Contrary to the first wave of immigrants from India, the second wave had the means to frequently visit their homeland to visit friends, attend important events and care for their parents. The second wave of immigrants had the means to own property such as houses which was not so easy for the first wave immigrants due to their low earnings and restrictions. Due to this reason some Indian immigrants in this wave moved to the suburbs which made them isolated from the many Indian families living in the city. Therefore, they often felt loneliness and did not felt comfortable in developing close bonds with the neighborhood too. This made them to maintain some of the Indian food and religious customs within their homes (Nandan, 2007, p. 396). 2.1.3. Third Wave of Indian American Immigrants The third wave of immigrants was marked by important shifts in the legal and sociopolitical environment, resulting in new patterns and dynamics in Indian American immigration. Due to Family Reunification Act which was passed in 1990, a large proportion of Indian Americans entered in to the US. This led to a third wave (from 1990 to the present time) of new arrivals of Indian American immigrants, which included both highly skilled professionals and a working and lower middle class population (Landale, 1997, p. 283). As a part of the Reunification Act, some of the third wave of Indian immigrants came specifically to join their family. Most of them are either siblings (sometimes they are very poor or uneducated) or aged parents (who are old and/or retired) of the highly skilled professionals unlike the second wave (Ross-Sheriff, 2004, p. 150). Therefore, economic stability or opportunity meant very little to this group in comparison with the previous waves of immigrants and also the highly skilled professionals. However this group of people tried to find work or started small businesses or worked in small businesses such as motels, gift shops, grocery/convenience stores or gas stations. In addition, many of these newcomers could not become financially independent, but rather stayed closely tied to their children or siblings (Bankston, 2006, p. 69; Ross-Sheriff, 2004, p. 150). According to Prashads statistics, 9,910 Indians, 1,694 Pakistanis, and 711 Bangladeshis came to the U.S. as highly skilled laborers in 1996. In comparison to the figures for those who came under the family reunification scheme are far higher, that is 34,291 Indians, 9,122 Pakistanis, and 8,221 Bangladeshis (Prashad, 2000, p. 79). With this shift in mode of entry, the education and socioeconomic profile of Indian Americans has become more diverse, complex and heterogeneous than the previous wave of immigrants. The second wave of immigrants who were already settled, invited their family members when the reunification act passed, allowing them to hold on more tightly to their culture. As a result, the third wave failed to assimilate into their new culture, choosing to live according to their own customs. Because of the arrival of the extended families, their culture and heritage could be maintained through the large number of Asian Indians living together in one area. As a result, small Indian communities were established allowing the third wave of immigrants to avoid the American culture. They could wear their own clothes; they could eat their food; they could speak their own language, and they could practice their own religion (Khandelwal, 2002, p. 164). Following the 2001 terrorist attacks against the U.S. on 9/11, the legal and political context of South Asian immigration once again shifted in some important ways. Thus, South Asian immigrants, especially men from the majority Muslim countries of Bangladesh and Pakistan, have been subject to a variety of surveillance measures instituted by the United States. It is not yet clear how these new measures will affect immigration from South Asia. As a result, there are some signs of decline in the rates of South Asian immigration, especially from Bangladesh and Pakistan. Reports in 2003 suggested those from Bangladesh and Pakistan are moving to more receptive countries like Canada (Sachs, 2003, p. A1). 2.2. Development of Asian Indian Immigrants This section describes briefly the facts and figures about Indian Americans in terms of population numbers, growth rate, education, language, etc. The growth of the population of Indian Americans has changed dramatically over the past few decades. According to the records the first wave consisted of 2000 immigrants. Between 1948 and 1965, 6,474 Asian Indians entered the United States as immigrants (Bankston, 2006, p. 68). During the 1980s the number of immigrants increased exponentially. According to the 1990 US Census about 570,000 Indians immigrated to America. Table 1 shows that the growth rate of Indian American immigrants from 1980 to 1990 increased significantly by about 35%. This growth rate continued from the 1980s to the 1990s. The growth rate from 1990-2000 is 14.42%. Even though the growth rate is lower compared to the previous growth rate, the population of Indian Americans in 2000 crossed the number of 1.5 million. The US Census 2000 shows that among all Asian ethnic groups the Indian Americans are the third largest ethnic group consisting of about 1,678,765 people (Table 2). Over 50 percent of foreign-born Asian Indians entered the U.S. between 1990 and 2000, compared with a rate of about 18% who entered before 1980. In 2007 over 2 million Indian Americans are listed in the data (U.S. Census Bureau). This is due to the land of opportunities with a good amount of perks and salary. In addition, globalization and multiculturalism is also playing a major role to attract immigrants. Most of the Indian Americans settled in populated states such as New York, California, New Jersey, Maryland, Texas and Illinois as well as large cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chicago. This is largely due to the availability of jobs in larger cities as well as the personal preference of being a part of an urban and ethnically diverse environment. Yet, there are sizeable Asian Indian communities in suburban areas also such as Silver Springs in Maryland, San Jose and Fremont in California, Queens in New York and etc. (Bankston, 2006, p. 69-72). Education and career success are more highly valued among Indian immigrants as compared to other Asian groups. The 1990 US census report shows that 52 % of adult Asian Indians were college graduates which is considerably higher than the 35% rate among all adult Asian Americans. Their academic achievements were bolstered by their fluency in English. In addition, in 1990 over 80 percent of Indian male immigrants held a college degree and five percent of all Indian American doctors received their primary education in India. Due to the high educational status of Indian Americans, 65 percent of them worked as managers, or in the professional/technical industry (Helweg, 1990, p. 61). Many graduates from elite engineering institutions like IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) came to America for higher education at various educational institutions. Most of such graduates after finishing their higher studies from US universities used their new degrees to obtain positions with lucrative salaries, which in turn led them to work and settle in the United States. Very few of them returned to India immediately after finishing their higher education. In 2000, about 87% of Asian Indians had at least a High School Diploma and 70% had a Bachelors Degree or higher, and they were proficient in English. Of the general population, 33.6% were in management, professional, and related positions. Among the Asian Indian population, 59.9 % were in those types of position, which was more than any other Asian group. This was mainly because Indian Americans in fact were well-educated, hard-working, and proficient in the English language. Indian Americans had the highest labor force participation rate of about 79% as compared to all Asian Americans, who participated in the labor force at a rate of about 71%. Besides this, male Indian immigrants had median yearly earnings of $51,904, which was also more than any other Asian American group. As a result Asian Indians had a lower poverty rate than that of the total population (9.8% versus 12.4%). Moreover, statistics showed that Indians had a larger percentage (71.4) of the populace between the ages of 16 and 64 than any other Asian group, except immigrants from Thailand (82.2%) (U.S. Census Bureau, 2000). Accordingly, Indian Americans remain one of the most socio-economically successful groups of all immigrants or ethnicities in the U.S. and are often presented as a model from which other ethnic/immigrant groups could learn. As Wadhwa reports on Bloomberg Businessweek in 2006: Not only are they leaving their mark in the field of technology, but also in real estate, journalism, literature, and entertainment. They run some of the most successful small businesses and lead a few of the largest corporations. Valuable lessons can be learned from their various successes (Wadhwa, 2006, Bloomberg Business Week). This article also cites twelve main factors that account for the success of Indian Americans such as education, upbringing, hard work, entrepreneurial spirit, social networks, integration into the U.S. society, etc. These statistics show and prove that Indian immigrants tend to have high levels of education and English proficiency, which gives them an advantage over other Asian communities. However, along with the advantages, there are also issues such as assimilation, religious beliefs, traditions and race which are also challenging. 2.3 Generational Change After many years these immigrants over time settled and became permanent citizens, who are treated as first-generation of Asian Indian Americans. This led to multiple generations of Indian Americans. The children of the first-generation, unlike their parents, grew up with an Indian culture and an American culture. Due to this different background, historians distinguish between first, second, and third-generations of Asian Indian Americans who differ in terms of their values, customs and traditions. First-generation Indian Americans from the Indian subcontinent are more familiar with the culture of India as well as the culture of America. They tend to be more traditional than later generations. Attempting to preserve their religious and cultural heritage, these first-generation Indian Americans built temples and formed local organizations representative of the subcultures (Sindi, Gujarati, Tamil, and Bengali) from which they came. Parents exposed their children to those subcultures through functions hosted by these organizations and within their home (Bankston, 2006, p. 73). In the case of second-generation of the Indian Americans, most of their traditional and cultural values were slowly changed. They grow up in American culture and learn more about American culture and at the same time they used to face Indian traditions in their homes. Following this dual culture lead to understand and search their identity in the society. As cultural historians have suggested, they find themselves at a place in-between the Indian and the American cultures due to the adoption of American culture as well as compromise of some Indian traditions. Third-generation Asian Indian Americans, who strongly adhere to the U.S. cultural values, but do not endorse any traditional Asian Indian values, could be said to be highly acculturated but not enculturated (Tewari, 2009, p. 105). They are naturalized citizens of America and they do not fit India. However, physically they are always tied to India because of their appearance. Those immigrants who succeed in business can shed the label of immigrant, while those who are poor continue to be viewed as immigrants, even though their family has been in the U.S. for three generations.
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